


早睡早起的人被科學家稱為雲雀 ,因為這種鳥的特色是很早起。





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(一)  重點單字


1.  Owl  [n.]  =  貓頭鷹、鴞裊


2.  Lark  [n.]  =  百靈科鳴禽


3.  Body clock  =  人體時鐘、生理節奏


4.  Dawn  [n.]  =  黎明、拂曉


5.  Dusk  [n.]  =  黃昏


6.  Internal  [adj.]  =  內在的、內部的


7.  External  [adj.]  =  外面的、外部的


8.  Jet lag  =  時差、長途高速飛行後的生理節奏失調


9.  Synchronise  [v.]  =  使協調、使同步


10.  Out of sync  =  不同步



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  People who are __________ in the morning are known as  ‘larks’, after the famously early-___________ bird


2.  It’s in our __________ or make-up, like our eye-colour or __________. 


3.  Before we had __________, our sleeping __________ were basically decided by the sun.


4. They don’t __________ __________ because they haven't had enough sleep.


5.  Can you tell me how much __________ sunlight is than __________ light ?



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What is mentioned as a factor that affects tiredness ?


2.  Why do " owls " often feel tired ?


3.  What should be used to help adapt to a new routine ?



(四)  討論題


When do you usually go to bed ??

My day usually starts at about 10:00 and ends at about 02:30.

But, I'm really trying to go to bed earlier.

It's just so hard to get up earlier in the morning !!!!!!!


How about you ??





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