

紅色 對你來說代表什麼呢? 在每個國家,你問別人這個問題,得到的答案一定會很不一樣。像在華人文化中,紅色就代表了喜氣,就像我們剛過的農曆新年,大家一定都有拿到或是發出紅包吧? 參加婚宴的時候,我們也會刻意穿個紅色的衣服或是配件。甚至,在打麻將的時候,有些人還會偷穿紅色內褲,認為這樣可以多自摸幾把! 紅色對我們華人來說,是個非常正面的顏色。 但是在外國社會就不這麼認為了。外國人看到紅色會認為是警戒的作用,比如說,紅綠燈的紅燈就代表停止。在球場上,犯規出局,也是給紅牌。消防車也是紅色的,而警車的警哨燈也是紅燈。另外,紅色也讓人覺得是熱情又性感,就像是大紅色高跟鞋和紅色口紅都是性感的指標阿!







What do you associate with the colour red?


Here's what people in London said:


Woman 1: I think of Hong Kong 'cos that's where I live and I just think of China and Chinese society and festivals and food.


Man 1: I suppose there are lots of meanings, isn't it? Love, anger, danger. All sorts, really. We use it to 'stop' at traffic lights and for attention, 'cos red is quite a bright colour like that.


Presenter: Do you ever see red?


Man 1: No. I'm a very calm, cool and collected person.


Let’s dig in!





In this interview, the first woman thinks of Hong Kong and Chinese society simply because red is widely used in Chinese culture, especially whenever there is a good thing happening, such as Chinese New Year and wedding. Since red is a strong color, in the ancient time, people use this color to scare away a monster that ruin people’s houses during Chinese New Year. Firecrackers are also made in red.


In western culture, however, they tend to think of red as an alert or sexy symbol. That’s why all the caution signs are made in red background. Also, since fire is somewhat red as well, red can be associated with heat.


The presenter asks the question, “do you ever see red?” It is asking “have you ever been so angry that your eyes are burning with fire?” Then, the guy says that he is a very cool person who never loses his temper or become out of control.


Word bank


Associate with 和…有關

He is associated with the murder because he has no alibi.



Festivals 節慶

Chinese New Year is the biggest festival of all throughout the year in Chinese society.



For attention 有讓人注意的用途

Stop signs are made in red background for attention.





Do you ever see red? 你是否曾經生氣到發火?

這裡 “看到紅色” 指的是,惱怒到彷彿眼睛裡都看到火焰般,那樣的火大


Collected person 能夠完全控制自己情緒的人

She is such a collected person as I have never seen her lost her temper.



Tell me about it…


Have you ever lost your temper in front of your colleagues? What happened?


Who do you think is the sexiest person in this world?


When was the last time you see red? Why?


Name 5 things that you associate red with in your life.


Now tell us what you think!








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