
相信每個人都會有不喜歡的東西,比方說,蟑螂、老鼠、蜘蛛等,都是許多人不希望天天見面的。說實在的,小編過去這個禮拜,才親手了結了兩隻大蟑螂,一隻出現在衣櫃間的地上,而且還給我爬到衣櫃裡面,害我費了好大功夫才把它處理掉。另外一隻,是在我老婆打開廁所洗手臺下的櫥櫃時,跟她say hi的。她當場沒嚇死,立馬衝出廁所,嚇得魂都飛了,這隻是爬在滾筒衛生紙中間的那個洞上面,所以我就先把洞口用脫鞋蓋住,在把衛生紙移到地上,然後再採在衛生紙上,讓他跟衛生紙合為一體。我想,各位在家裡應該丟會有類似的情況發生吧? 在這裡跟大家分享一下你們的昆蟲驚魂記吧!或是說,你有其他什麼事情是會讓你產生恐懼的呢?怕高?怕黑?怕一個人?這些都是phobia的一種喔~



Express yourself! Every week we ask you a different question. Hear what
people in London say, then join the conversation! This week: Phobias

Snakes. I have a fear of snakes.



I just don't like them. I know they aren't particularly dangerous but I just don't like the way they move and I know they are not slimy but I just do not like them at all.

Spiders. Pretty much just spiders. No other bugs – not flies, not cockroaches. Just spiders. It's really quite irritating.

I'm afraid of dogs and it's all my mum's fault. When we were little and we'd be walking down the street there'd be a dog coming towards us and we'd cross the street so from a very young age I've always grown up with like dogs being like some sort of scary thing.

I'm afraid of heights. This is my secret. I really can't stand being in tall buildings. It's kind of weird but this is my phobia.



Let’s dig in!



In this interview, several people are being asked with what their phobia is. Most of them points out that they have phobia with certain bugs or animals. Many people are afraid of snakes in particular due to its position bite and its cold blooded look. The way it feels is also not that great.

Another person is afraid of Spiders, which is most likely due to its look. The big, black, fat snipers are really not that good looking. When they are making their wet in your house, it could also be very annoying even though some people say spiders are good bugs for household as they eats other bugs.

The third person has a phobia with dogs! How could that be? Dogs are adorable. It is mainly due to some sort of bad experience in their childhood. They may got bitten by dogs or being attacked once.

Another phobia people have is afraid of height. I do know that many people cannot stand being on a tall building or even on a certain height above the ground. They would get dizzy and start feeling sick.



Word bank


Slimy 泥濘的; 骯髒的
Kids always get very slimy after they play sand on the beach.

Irritating 不舒服; 令人煩心的
Whenever I see cockroaches flying, it is very irritating.



Can’t stand 受不了
I can’t stand being on top of a building that is more than 5-floor height.

Weird 古怪的
That man is kind of weird because he has been following us for two blocks.

Phobia 恐懼症
People have phobia on certain things because they had bad experience before or they simply do not like them.



Tell me about it…



What kind of things you afraid of?
Why do you have the phobia?
When did the phobia start?
How did the phobia happen?

Now tell us what you think!







“When you explore your fears then you set yourself free.”
― Stephen Richards, Releasing You from Fear


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