

粉絲們相信巫術嗎 ?



你們相信嗎 ??



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(一)  重點單字


1.  Supernatural  [adj.]  =  超自然的、神奇的、鬼怪的


2.  Witchcraft  [n.]  =  巫術、魔法


3.  Tried for murder  =  被控謀殺並接受審判


4.  Folklore  [n.]  =  民間傳說、民俗、民俗學


5.  Persecute  [v.]  =  迫害、殘害


6.  Curse  [v.]  =  詛咒、咒罵


7.  Cough up  =  提供,吐出


8.  A stab in the dark  =  瞎猜、沒根據的亂猜


9.  Eerie  [adj.]  =  令人毛骨悚然的



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Now it may be well past __________ but our topic today is a tale of the strange and __________ . 


2.  Ten of them were found __________ and they were __________ .


3.  But what’s the real story behind these people who were so __________ __________ - or persecuted - for being witches.


4.  But you’re right, the __________ thinks there’s no real __________ connecting the house to the Pendle witches.


5.   I asked you how many people across Europe were __________ for witchcraft between __________ and __________ ? 



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  When was the cottage they found built ?


2.  What's the speed limit for witches on brooms ?


3.  Where did they find the bones of a cat ?



(四)  討論題


Do you think there are witches in the world ?


I think there are.

Some people are gifted and can tell you how to solve supernatural problems.

To me, those people are like witches and wizards.


What do you think ??






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