
恐懼,是每個人都會有。但是,怕的東西都不一樣。有些人很怕昆蟲,像是隨處可見的家庭主婦天敵,蟑螂、螞蟻、蚊子、蒼蠅,甚至像老鼠和壁虎也都是人妻們恨得牙癢癢的敵人。也因此,在人妻圈中,最熱門的話題不外乎要如何擊滅這些髒東西。當然,除了這些東西之外,蜘蛛也是很可怕的昆蟲。雖然有些人說蜘蛛其實是益蟲,因為它會幫你吃掉其他昆蟲,不過,每次與它會面時,還是不禁下破膽阿! 尤其是八爪大喇牙~

當然有些人怕的不是昆蟲朋友們,而是有懼高症。有些人到比較高的地方,就會不自覺得很恐怖。另外,曾經有聽過有人怕蛋、怕貼紙,我聽到的時候還真的無法想像。大家怕的東西真是千奇百怪,各位分享一下,你怕的東西是甚麼呢? 為什麼會對這些東西有所恐懼呢?





What are you scared of and why?

Here's what people in London said:

I'm afraid of spiders. One night, I had a spider come in from my window and it could actually roll itself up into a little ball which scared me to death and so then I went and slept in the living room instead.

Heights… because once, I didn't think I was scared of heights, but when I was in Kuala Lumpa I went to the Petronas Towers and I climbed to the top of it, I looked out the window and then basically I had to sit on the floor in the middle of the building. I just didn't know what happened to me, it was too high, too scary!

Evil clowns.Because they're funny but deadly!



Let’s dig in! 


The first person talks about how scared she was when she ran into spiders at home. She could not stand seeing spiders in her room, especially when they roll into a ball. The whole thing just freaked her out so she slept in her living instead. I believe that there are people who encountered the same situation as the lady. Instead of spiders, you may have run into cockroaches, ants, flying bugs or even rats! All these bugs are just not so likable by people.

Another guy shared his experience about fear of height. Some people may not know they have this kind of syndrome until they are actually being in the situation. This kind of fear is more of psychological aspect. They may had fallen down to the ground from a certain height when they were kids or they may had a serious injury back then falling down. This kind of trauma would cause the person to fear height because it reminds them about their bad memory in the past.



The last person mentioned about clowns.Nowadays, not so many clowns exist. However, the most impressive clowns that have come to my mind is the one in the movie “Dark Knight.” The classical laughter and the famous quote “why so serious” that are vividly demonstrated by Heath Ledger really impressed me and changed my whole perspective with Batman movies.



Word bank



.Roll itself up 把自己捲起來
When I feel like sleep in today, I like to roll myself up in bed.

.Scared me to death 把我嚇死了
Cockroaches scare me to death every time I run into them at home.

.Clowns 小丑
Clowns are very popular characters in circus.

.Deadly 陰森的
I hate to walk back home by myself at midnight because it feels deadly.



Tell me about it…



What is the strangest thing you are scared of?
When did you start being scared of it?
Why are you scared of it?
How do you react when you see cockroaches?

Now tell us, what are you scared of?






In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone. - Bill Gates



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