

每個人在一段感情裡,追求的東西都不太一樣。有的人認為如果要發展一段戀情,首先,你必須要找一個你覺得深受吸引的人。而吸引的方法有許多種,可能是外表、可能是內涵、可能是氣質、可能是談吐、可能是幽默感。當然,很多人會說,外表是第一重點,因為,如果你連外表都吸引不了對方,那怎麼會有機會讓對方發現你的內在美呢? 有些人認為這樣的人太注重外表了。內在固然重要,不過,外表當然也不能夠忽略囉! 至少,你要讓對方跟你相處起來,覺得舒服沒有負擔。想想,你如果出去約會,一直面對著你覺得很不順眼的人,我想任何人都會覺得很痛苦吧!

除了外表之外,相處起來的氛圍和這個人的談吐是不是合你胃口也是非常的重要啦! 女生通常都會選擇會逗他們笑的男生。因此,有幽默感的人,通常都會比較吃香。而這種幽默感又不會讓人覺得有壓力也不會太over。開玩笑也要適當,不能夠crossthe line,要不然就會被大扣分喔!




What do you look for in a relationship?

Here's what people in London said:

OK, I look for someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously, who can have a bit of a laugh... also somebody who is quite good looking. I think it's important to be attracted to the person that you're with.

Being able to have a lot of fun, that's the main thing really, just being able to have a lot of fun and not getting too heavy about it basically.

Companionship, sense of fun, enjoyment - those are sort of words that come to mind immediately.



Let’s dig in!



In sum, most people like to have a fun and relax relationship. They do not wish to have a boyfriend or girlfriend who is giving them too much stress. At first, they need to be attracted to each other.Then, they should be able to get along quite well. When they spend time together, they should enjoy the time and cherish the moment they have. Usually,girls are looking for guys with sense of humor or sense of fun so that they could have a better life with more laughter. Happiness is basically what everyone is looking for in a relationship. If your partner could not even give you happiness, then it is a waste of time being with him/her. That is why some people say that they do not like someone who takes things too heavily or seriously. Life is much easier when you take it easy.



Word bank



.Take… too seriously 太認真看待事情
Please do not take it too seriously. We are just kidding.

.Have a bit of a laugh 有個愉快的時光
With his great sense of humor, we can always have a bit of a laugh over the dinner.

.Getting too heavy about it 把事情看得太嚴重
When you get too heavy about everything,life is not fun anymore.

.Companionship 情誼
In every relationship, companionship is something that all couples cannot let go.



Tell me about it…



Who would you like to have a relationship with if you could choose?
Where did your first relationship happen?
What is it that you are looking for in a relationship? Why?
How do you know that the date is good or bad?

Now tell us about your ideal date!






I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live;there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together.

                           - Julia Roberts

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