


以前聽到的是吃禁藥,但最新的方法叫「違規增血」或 「血液回輸技術」,是很難查出的作弊法。




Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。 



(一)  重點單字


1.  Advantage  [n.]  =  優勢、有利條件


2.  Performance  [n.]  =  表現、演出、表演


3.  Enhance  [v.]  =  提高、增加


4.  Endurance  [n.]  =  耐久力、持久力


5.  Dope  [v.]  =  在...中攙添加劑、下藥


6.  Effective  [adj.]  =  有效的、有力的


7.  Transfuse  [v.]  =  輸血、注射


8.  Substantial  [adj.]  =  多的、可觀的、大量的


9.  The nature of something  =  東西的性質、本質



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  And a new test that might __________ some __________ cheating at the 2012 Olympics in London next year.


2.  Athletes have been known to take all __________ of __________ of drugs in the hope of  enhancing their performance. 


3.  It's been __________ scientist much trouble – or problems – in trying to __________ blood doping in athlete.


4.  It's not possible to __________ an exact __________ date. 


5.   Well I can understand there's a huge __________ to succeed and there must be a great __________ to give yourself an extra __________ as an athlete. 



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What happens to athletes that are caught cheating ?


2.  How does blood doping help an athlete ?


3.  Including this year's Olympics, how many times have the Games been held ?



(四)  討論題


Have you ever cheated before ?


I have.

When I was in elementary school, I wrote notes and stuck them at the back of my ruler.But, I think it was a waste of time and I should have used that time to study instead.


How about you ?? 

Tell us a story of how you cheated.....







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