

上個禮拜跟大家探討,身為一個女人最棒的事情是甚麼,這個禮拜我們反過來問各位男性朋友們,身為男生,你覺得最好又最吃香的事情是甚麼呢? 其實在我們現在進步又先進的年代,男女其實已經算是非常平等,雖然,有些比較落後的國家,可能還是有男女不等的文化或是思想,但是,大部分在一些開發中或是已開發國家,男女其實差不了多少。

如果硬是要說的話,男性當然比較占優勢的,就是天生體格比較健壯 (雖然現在也是有所謂的草食男,體力比女生還要弱),不過,普遍來說,男生骨架一般比較大,真的要練起身體,男生的力氣還是比較大。在職場上,雖然現在還是有女強人,不過,女生如果有家庭需要照顧的話,而又有需要生育的可能,那相對就會比較吃虧。一般的家庭裡,通常還是男主外女主內居多,可能女生天生就有與生俱來“會照顧人” 的天性和優勢。所以,基於 “把人的強項發揮在對的地方”,還是會選擇讓女生在家帶孩子,男生出外打拼。畢竟,女生還是比較細心,會把家打理好,如果讓大部分男生來打理家裡的話,可能會亂到爆炸吧~






What's the best thing about a man?


Here's what people in London told us:


I have no views on this, I've not thought about it that well, because we live in a society now.... I put men and women on an equal footing, so realistically I just don't think about this.


Males are still given some sort of supremacy in the workplace, in terms of promotions, in terms of pay - there's still a lot of organisations where men are paid more than women ...


More freedom, more independence, get to choose what you want to do!


What’s the worst thing about being a man?


Probably still harder to show your emotions, potentially.


Now tell us:
What's the best thing about being a man?

Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/nKJdEt

Let’s dig in!



Most people think that men and women are pretty much equal in today’s society. However, in some area or situation, males have some supremacy, such as workplace or athletic field. In terms of freedom and independence, I think there’s no difference between men and women.

In Eastern culture, women may still have more restrictions than men. When it comes to emotion, men tend to hide their emotion. People also think that men should be tough enough to control their own feeling. It is embarrassed to expose feelings publicly as a man.



Word bank



.Have on views 沒有任何想法或意見
When people are talking about politics, I have no views on it because I have no interest about it at all.

.Equal footing 平等對待
When you become a manager, you should treat your staff with equal footing to prevent favoritism.

She is realistically the prom queen of our school because everyone likes her.

.Supremacy 優勢
Men usually have more supremacy than women especially at work.



Tell me about it…


What is the best thing about a man?
Who is your most respectful man in the world?
Why do you respect him?
When was the last time you saw a man crying in front of you? Who is it?

Now tell us what makes you stressed.






Men always want to be a woman's first love- women like to be a man's last romance.


                         - Oscar Wilde




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