身為現代人,因為資訊越來越發達,競爭越來越激烈,許許多多的煩惱和壓力一點一滴的加諸在每個人身上,尤其現在物價上漲,薪水又停滯不前,經濟壓力我想應該是許多人煩惱的事情之一。如此之外,身為學生的人,最大的擔心就是畢業之後的出路,因為在現在的世代,學校成績得第一並不代表出社會就可以得到最棒的工作。反而,學業念的越高,越難找到工作,因為現在的公司越來越講求社會歷練和團隊合作。你在學校成績拿高分,不代表你就可以在企業中生存,軟性技能 (soft skills) 才是成為領導人的重要能力。求學過程中,你也許會有機會學到一些soft skills和 team work,不過大部分都還是著重在理論方面。所以重要的是,要如何把學校學到的知識,轉化並活用在工作上面,這才是企業希望找的人才特質。小編在社會上打滾了幾年之後,才漸漸找到自己想走的方向,其實,剛開始出社會大多數的人都不清楚自己畢業後想做甚麼工作,當初我也是告訴自己,沒甚麼好擔心的,反正有甚麼樣的工作機會就先嘗試看看,不管喜不喜歡,總是會學到和獲得一些東西,等到有些經驗了,就可以慢慢的開始挑選自己想要的,不是嗎?




What makes you worry and why?


Here's what people in London said:


Er, irrational things, things I might havesaid to people… and then I might realise two weeks later that I've beenworrying over nothing.


Would you describe yourself as a worrier?


Definitely, yeah. (laughs)


What makes you worry and why?


I suppose the biggest worry at the moment is your employment prospects at the end of university. I think a lot of people are looking into, like, furthering their education more as opposed to applying for jobs right now. We're not going to get a job unless we're really,really, really outstanding now because there's so much more competition.


What makes you worry and why?


University-wise it has to be deadlines, and looming dissertation. Um, but also, money is obviously a big issue. And getting a job next year when I graduate. That's a big worry. But I don’t know, I'm pretty optimistic it'll all sort itself out.


So you wouldn't describe yourself as aworrier then?


I do have my moments of being a worrier,but I think I've just resigned myself to fate at the moment, and like, crossing my fingers, and hoping for the best.


Now tell us:


What makes you worry and why?


Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/qspBTv



Let’s dig in!

Worry is one thing that people cannot getrid of. There are always things to worry about. When you were a student, youwere worried about what you’re going to do after graduation. When you areworking, you are worried about your future career. When you are married, you areworried about how to pay the bills. When you have kids, you are worried abouthow to raise them up properly.


Word bank



  • Looking into 專注於某件事情; 關注於

People start looking into their ways in thecoming future after graduation.



  • As opposed to 反而

Most of my friends decide to study aboardas opposed to stay in Taiwan.



  • Sort itself out 船到橋頭自然直

I tend not to worry too much because thingwill sort itself out eventually.


  • Crossing my fingers 把兩根手指頭交叉,像是十字架一樣,意指去除厄運

I am crossing my fingers to have goodresult tomorrow.



  • Hoping for the best 期望有最好的結果

It is very important to hope for the bestand stay positive all the time.



Tell me about it…


What do you worry the most at the moment?

Who do you worry the most?

How do you stop worrying so much?

Who around you is worrying too much?





If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?  - Confucius

當你捫心自問,發現一切都沒有問題,那你在擔心甚麼呢? 有甚麼好怕的呢?






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