其實,巴西人的熱情相信是許多人有目共睹的。不過,除了人熱情之外,大家應該比較陌生於巴西的餐飲文化吧~ 基本上,巴西人就如同他們熱情如火一樣,也是喜歡麻辣的東西,而他們很喜歡吃的主食其實跟我們一樣,就是米飯。除此之外,他們也非常熱愛豆子。他們豆子的吃法其實跟墨西哥人很像,都是把豆子用熬的,煮得爛爛的,而且,他們的豆子都是吃鹹的。所以,很多中南美洲的人到台灣來,會覺得很奇怪,因為我們大部分的豆類都是煮成甜的,就像是豆漿、紅豆湯、綠豆湯等。除了豆子之外,巴西的窯烤也很非常得出名,窯烤的方式都是一大串,然後拿著一整隻烤肉塊,到你面前現切,味道比較偏重鹹口味啦~另外,巴西還有個東西世界聞名,就是他們的咖啡豆。文章裡的Grace說,巴西的咖啡豆產量是世界第一呢! 想知道第二名是哪一個國家嗎? 答案就在文章的最後喔~


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Grace: Hi Rob. It's good to be here. But I hope you don't mind my Brazilian


  • Accent n. 口音; 很多國家的人講別國語言會有一種特殊的腔調,比如說,台灣人講英文會有Taiwanese accent,日本人講英文會有Japanese accent。另外,英文的發音也有分很多種,British accent是大家公認最好聽的一種口音。這個字也可以用在形容一個人有台灣國語。 “When he speaks Mandarin, there is a Taiwanese accent.”


Grace: Yes, Brazilian food is on the menu today, and we will whet your appetite

with language about food.

  • Something is on the menu 這裡的意思不是真的在講菜單喔,而是在說Brazilian food 是我們今天要討論的主題。
  • What your appetite 表示Grace今天要 “挑起你的味蕾”,用甚麼挑起呢? 就是藉由討論美食啦


Rob: Great! Well, nothing makes me happier than tasty food! And I'm a bit of a

gourmet, you know.

  • Gourmet n. 非常注重美食品質的人,也可以是老饕的意思





Rob: Yes, all places that produce coffee but I'm going to go for: a) Colombia.

  • Go for v. 這是一個動詞片語,當你決定要選擇某件事情或是下定決心要進行某件事情的時候,”go for it!” 是很常聽到的一句話,這句話的意思就是要跟你說,沒問題,你可以去做了。或者是你在兩個包包之中難以抉擇,最後你終於決定要選紅色的包包,這時候,就可以說 “I decide to go for the red one.”


Grace: The basic food in Brazil – the staple food – is rice and beans. You can

have it with fried eggs, a steak or some salad. But there's a special dish

called 'feijoada'. Thomas Pappon, a Brazilian who blogs about food,

explains what it is. And then, tell me: what kind of dish is this?

  • Staple food n. 意思就是我們所謂的基本食材或是主食,在巴西,他們的主食就是白飯和豆子。
  • Dish n. 這裡的dish不是指餐盤,而是餐盤上所放的菜,通常我們中文會說那道菜很好吃,英文則是說 “The dish tastes really good.


Thomas Pappon, Brazilian food blogger:

There’s a sophisticated version of rice and beans which is served during festivities and in every restaurant on Saturdays. It's called 'feijoada'. It's a stew made of black beans and with pieces of pork. The main dish is served with side dishes such as fried greens and toasted manioc flour. There's no room left for dessert after this!

  • Feijoada n. 這是巴西傳統的燉菜,是用黑豆和豬肉一起燉煮而成
  • Side dish n. 字面上的意思是在一旁的餐盤,念到這裡你應該已經知道dish不式餐盤的意思,而是菜,所以應該是在一旁的菜? 主餐叫做main dish,而side dish當然就是襯托主餐的菜,也就是我們所謂的副餐或者是小菜的意思。
  • Greens n. 這裡的greens加上s就代表這是一個名詞,而會出現在食物中又是綠色的當然就是我們所說的蔬菜啦!
  • There’s no room left 這句話是表示肚子已經沒有地方可以塞下食物了,換句話說就是已經飽了。




Rob: It's a stew! I like a good stew – a kind of food in which meat or fish or

vegetables are cooked slowly with just a little bit of liquid. But no

dessert?! I need my dessert, Grace!

  • Stew n. 用燉煮而成的菜,當作形容詞用就在後面加上ed = stewed,比如說燉牛肉就是stewed beef


Grace: The main dish is quite filling, Rob. You won't need a pudding, sweet or

fruit afterwards. And there are lots of side dishes with it.

  • Filling adj. fill當作動詞用就是把東西填滿的意思,所以,這邊當成形容詞就是表示肚子已經被食物裝滿了。


Rob: These are small dishes which accompany the main one – and they sound

very appetising too.

  • Accompany v. 跟隨; 跟著…一起; 陪伴,這裡是說 main dish通常都會附上很多side dishes。這個動詞也可以用在人身上,比如說你要人陪你一起吃飯,就可以說 “I like to have someone accompanying me for dinner.”
  • Appetising adj. appetizer 是開胃菜的意思,所以當作形容詞用,就是表示這個東西讓你很開胃或是食欲大開。




Grace: They sound appetising; in other words, it makes you really want to eat

them. And at the end of the meal you wash these dishes down with a


  • Wash these dishes down with 這裡不是在說洗盤子,意思是,當你喝下caipirinha這個飲料的時候,會把你所吃下去的菜都沖洗進去你的肚子。這句話通常是在飯後當你準備選擇飲料的時候說的。



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