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(一)  重點單字


1.  Stress  [n.]  =  壓力、緊張


2.  Absence  [n.]  =  缺席、不在


3.  Tough  [adj.]  =  棘手的、艱困的


4.  Employee  [n.]  =  受雇者、雇員、員工 


5.  Take its toll  =  使…遭受損害、使…喪失   


6.  Public sector  =  政府資助 或 控制的企事業


7.  Organisational change  =  組織變動  


8.  Job security  =  工作安全感、職業保障


9.  Redundancy  [n.]  =  因勞動力過剩而造成的裁員、解雇


10.  Strategy  [n.]  =  策略、對策  


11.  Counselling  [n.]  =  咨詢服務



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Well Britain is __________ increasing stress-__________ issues at work and this is what we are going to talk about today.


2.  It seems that the __________ problems we are all facing are mainly to __________ . 


3.  Public sector jobs, such as __________ __________ and teachers, were seen as jobs-for-life but perhaps that's not the case anymore.


4.  So what can be done to ___________ this ___________ situation ?


5.  Well the report has made some recommendations for __________ on how to help their __________ .



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What two things are mentioned to be high-priced ?


2.  The cutting of staff leads to two other workplace problems, what are they ?


3.  Why are commercial airline pilots the most stressed ?



(四)  討論題


Are you stressed at work ?

What is the main cause of pressure ?


I'm stressed for two reasons.

First, on most days, I work for over 12 hours. It's really tiring.

And, I'm in management, I have to make sure EVERYTHING goes smoothly.


How about you ?

Tell us what makes you dread going to work...... 




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