[六分鐘英語] -- Citizen Journalism / 全民記者 ( 問題篇 )






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(一)  重點單字


1.  Citizen journalism  =  全民記者、公民新聞、國民新聞


2.  Trained  [adj.]  =  受過訓練的


3.  Social media  =  社群媒體


4.  Democratisation  [n.]  =  民主化 ( 在這篇有 "大眾化" 的含意 )


5.  Publish  [v.]  =  公佈、發表、出版.


6.  Media brands  =  品牌媒體  ( 出名的媒體公司 如...CNN、BBC )


7.  Verify  [v.]  =  驗證、確認、證實


8.  Valuable source  =  珍貴的來源



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Citizen journalism – that’s when people who aren’t trained journalists __________ or __________ about their experiences or use social media, like Facebook or Twitter, to broadcast their messages.


2.  Well, your six countries are __________, Japan, the US, the UK, __________ or China.


3.  Very high __________ material rises to the top – the best blogs will become as __________ as traditional broadcasters or newspapers.


4.  So the journalist still has a valuable role as mediator, __________ and finder and __________ of stories..


5.  It’s a very valuable source when the story is on the street, but not when we, the __________, ___________ or

__________, aren’t sure which side we should be on.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What's the main difference between citizen journalists and traditional journalists ?


2.  What's something citizen journalists might not be able to do ?


3.  In what situations should people rely on traditional journalism ?




(四)  討論題


According to today's audio clip, anyone can be a reporter.

In fact, almost every person I know uses a kind of social media, owns a camera ( or at least a phone with a built-in camera ), and has access to the internet.

Combine the three and you may get a story or video that can quickly become viral and get noticed worldwide.


Is citizen journalism good or bad ?

I personally think that it's a good thing, but I also think that people need to be educated.

Writers should be educated about the power of words and how they can make or break a person.

Readers should be taught how to analyze all the information they get.


Tell us what you think by commenting below.....


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** Copyrights of the audio clip and scrip belong to BBC and are used here for educational purposes only. **

** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **



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