
[六分鐘英語] -- Plastic pollution / 塑膠汙染 ( 解答篇 )





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(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Yes, well pollution is the term for harmful waste which has been put into the environment, and which can be damaging to plants and animals.


2.  So if a product isn’t biodegradable it won’t decompose or decay organically.


3.  We can reduce the amount of packaging used on products; we can re-use packaging more than once, and we can recycle the materials used.


4.  So you can recycle old glass, paper and plastic products to make something new.


5.  There are apparently 46,000 pieces of plastic, on average, in each square kilometre of the ocean.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What is the " Great Pacific Garbage Patch " ?


And the Pacific Garbage Patch is an area of the Pacific Ocean where rubbish has collected. It was discovered in 1997, and is essentially a big floating soup of plastic garbage and bits of rubbish that have been thrown away on land and have ended up in the sea.



2.  What sort of litter have scientists found in birds’ stomachs ?


Worldwide, there’s so many bird species that have litter in their stomachs. It varies from pieces from bottles or toys, parts from fishing nets, from ropes. Any sort of plastic really that is broken up and is floating around the ocean.



3.  What percentage of plastic produced each year is used for packaging ?


If we think that 100 million tonnes of plastic products are made every year, 40% of those are packaging materials that are mainly used once and then discarded.









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