[六分鐘英語] -- Pretty in pink ? / 紅粉佳人 ? ( 問題篇 )


I hate pink !!

I also hate Hello Kitty !!






美式英文裡,顏色的拼法是 " color " ,但英式英文裡是 " colour "。

還有 favorite 及 favourite 的差別。





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(一)  重點單字


1.  favourite  [adj.]  / [n.]  =  特別喜愛的 (東西)、最愛的 (物品)


2.  have a preference for ( s.t. )  =  偏愛某物


3.  obsession  [n.]  =  著迷、擺脫不了的思想


4.  dizzy  [adj.]  =  頭暈目眩的


5.  faint  [v.]  =  昏厥、暈倒


6.  concentrate  [v.]  =  集中、全神貫注


7.  retailer  [n.]  =  零售商、零售店


8.  manufacturer  [n.]  =  製造業者、廠商


9.  merchandising  [n.]  =  推銷規劃


10.  trick  [v.]  =  哄騙、戲弄



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Yes, Imogen says she feels quite 'dizzy' - __________ and __________ as though she might faint.


2.  Well, she imagines things and situations and can't __________ or __________ on what's actually happening around her.


3.  You wouldn't __________ me __________ pink!


4.  ___________ and ___________ - the people who sell and make goods - try to get children to buy things that their parents like and as we'll all have noticed, a lot of it is pink.


5.  So do girls prefer pink for __________ or __________ reasons?



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What has Rob's daughter convinced him to buy ?


2.  Why did Mrs Davies' grandson refuse to take his medicine ?


3.  Why was " blue " the most suitable color for girls in 1918 ?



(四)  討論題


What's your favorite color ?

Mine is purple.

I like it so much that some of my friends call me " 小紫 ".

I have also grown fond of bright red.

It's a very festive color.


Tell us your favorite color by commenting below.....





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