[六分鐘英語] -- Marathon running / 跑馬拉松 ( 解答篇 )



不知有多少人有去參加過馬拉松呢 ?

我想去參加每年一次的ING路跑 ( 現在好像有改名 ),有粉絲們去過嗎 ? 好不好玩 ?




Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  These are the very long runs covering 26 miles or around 42 kilometres.


2.  I was running through the vineyards and you got little drinks of wine all the way along and there was steak and oysters to eat as well.


3.  Zen is a form of Buddhism that focuses on meditation.


4.  Ah OK, muscular means involving or affecting the muscles.


5.  But usually when people say something is in bite-sized pieces, they mean it is in small pieces that are easy to manage or understand.




(三)  聽力問答題


1.  When and where will Dan run his first marathon ?


OK well I’m running my first ever marathon in just under a month’s time. I’m running the Brighton marathon on the south coast of England, so maybe you can give me some advice on that.



2.  What's the difference between the first modern marathon ( held in 1896 ) and today's marathons ?


There were only 17 runners, so very different from today’s marathons when we have thousands of




3.  How many people finished the race in 1896 ?


And of the 17, nine of them were Greek, and only nine people actually finished the race.








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