[六分鐘英語] -- Booking holidays online / 線上旅行社 ( 問題篇 )









千萬別為了省小錢而失大錢 !!

Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。



(一)  重點單字


1.  hidden costs  =  隱藏的成本


2.  click  [v.]  =  點擊滑鼠


3.  budget for  =  為某事安排預算


4.  an emotional commitment  =  情感上的承諾 ( 也就是心中已做出決定 ).


5.  pull out  =  放棄、選擇抽離


6.  boon  [n.]  =  有利的事


7.  a round-trip  =  往返旅程、來回旅行 ( 單程票稱為 one -way ticket )


8. deceptive  [adj.]  =  騙人的、欺詐的、虛偽的



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Some travel companies have been criticised for making misleading claims about __________ or __________ they're selling on their websites.


2.  But it's not just the __________ that are __________ - travel companies have been getting in trouble for the way they sell their services online.


3.  It can be really __________ after lots of __________ to discover that the final price of your holiday is considerably more expensive.



4.  But he said, a flight from __________ to __________ being advertised for __________ could end up costing __________.


5.  He wants airlines to be more upfront - more __________ - about their __________.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What is the best online travel company in China ?


2.  What are the two kinds of hidden costs mentioned in the clip ?


3.  When is Alice going to go on holiday ?



(四)  討論題


Are you planning to go on vacation this summer ?

If you are, where are you going to go ?

If not, why not ?


I can't go anywhere during the summer vacation.

English teachers are usually busier this time of the year.

We have more classes and it's difficult to get away.


Tell us about your summer plans by commenting below.......




** Copyrights of the audio clip and scrip belong to BBC and are used here for educational purposes only. **

** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **


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