[六分鐘英語] -- Philanthropy / 慈善事業 ( 問題篇 )


相信大家都應該知道,近幾年,微軟創辦人 比爾蓋茲 與 股神巴菲特長期的在聯手做公益。



很值得大家敬佩吧 !!



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(一)  重點單字


1.  Philanthropy  [n]  =  慈善行為、慈善事業、仁慈


2.  Billionaire  [n.]  =  億萬富翁


3.  Industrialist  [n.]  =  企業家、工業家、實業家


4.  A tendency to do something  =  做某件事的傾向 或 可能性


5.  Notable  [adj.]  =  顯著的、可觀的


6.  A good cause  =  為善、為了做好事


7.  A handful of  =  一把 ( 可用來指少量 或 少數 )


8.  Enthusiasm  [n.]  =  熱情、熱忱



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  So philanthropy is about __________, really – __________ and being __________ to other people.


2.  Ah, yes - Bill Gates is the __________ of Microsoft and Warren Buffett is a very successful __________.


3.  Bill Gates talked about their __________ – what they're __________ to do or are trying to __________ by visiting India.


4.  For example, if you give money to a __________ that helps people to __________ clean drinking water, most people would agree that it’s a good cause.


5.  So far, they haven't shown the same amount of __________ and __________ that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett show for philanthropy.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  How many billionaires are there in India ?


2.  Where do the first coins come from ?


3.  When did Massachusetts start printing paper money ?



(四)  討論題


Are you philanthropic ?

What have you done to help those less fortunate than you ?

I sometimes take in stray kittens, clean them up and then help them find a good home.

And I have also donated old clothes to animal shelters to help dogs keep warm in winter.


How about you ?

Share some good charity ideas with us.....



p.s.  If you're feeling charitable but don't know how to help, you can check out this Non-Profit Organization.

They are doing some great work, giving lots of animals a safe place to stay until they find homes.



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** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. ** 


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