[六分鐘英語] -- Philanthropy / 慈善事業 ( 解答篇 )




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(二)  聽力填空題


1.  So philanthropy is about generosity, really – giving and being kind to other people.


2.  Ah, yes - Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft and Warren Buffett is a very successful investor.


3.  Bill Gates talked about their goal – what they're aiming to do or are trying to achieve by visiting India.


4.  For example, if you give money to a charity that helps people to access clean drinking water, most people would agree that it’s a good cause.


5.  So far, they haven't shown the same amount of passion and eagerness that Bill Gates and Warren Buffett show for philanthropy.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  How many billionaires are there in India ?


Exactly. And in India, there are 55 billionaires, so Bill Gates and Warren Buffett met some of them who are industrialists and businessmen, to talk about philanthropy.


2.  Where do the first coins come from ?


Well, the first coins came from what is now Turkey, but the answer is China.


3.  When did Massachusetts start printing paper money ?


True paper money was used between 600 and 1455 there, although true paper money didn't really work well until it was printed in Massachusetts in the United States in the 1690s.









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