[六分鐘英語] -- Scam mail / 詐騙郵件 ( 解答篇 )





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(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Scam mail – that’s post sent to people, asking them for money or promising them prizes like cars or holidays.


2.  They’re often quite convincing, they’re addressed to me personally and some really look quite official sometimes.


3.  The people who send the letters want you to act quickly – they often say things like ‘Do not delay!’, ‘Reply immediately!’ or, ‘Offer ends soon’.


4.  A sucker list – now, a sucker is somebody who is easily fooled or duped.


5.  There was a penny brown, but the first sticky postage stamp was actually the penny black.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  When did the first sticky postage stamp go on sale ?


What was the name of the first sticky postage stamp which went on sale on the 1st May 1840 ?



2.  According to the clip, what kind of people are considered " vulnerable " ?


Vulnerable people – the elderly, or people with learning difficulties who trust letters they get in the post.



3.  How many people have commited suicide because of scam mail ?

     Why did they kill themselves ?


They’re even linking five suicides of people who got heavily in debt sending money in postal scams.









** Copyrights of the audio clip and scrip belong to BBC and are used here for educational purposes only. **

** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **


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