
詹姆士龐德是誰呢 ??



目前待選名單有...舒淇、湯唯、李冰冰、范冰冰,你們比較支持誰呢 ?



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(一)  重點單字


1.  Sophisticated  [adj.]  =  高雅的、深明人情世故的、成熟的


2.  Fictional   [adj.]  =  虛構的、小說的


3.  Novel  [n.]  =  小說


4.  Captivated  [adj.]  =  著迷的、被蠱惑的


5.  Model  [v.]  =  按...製作、模仿...


6.  Debate  [v.]  =  辯論、討論、爭論


7.  Unsurpassed  [adj.]  =  未被超越的、無比的


8.  Eavesdrop  [v.]  =  竊聽


9.  Iris recognition  =  虹膜辨別科技


10.  Out-think  [v.]  =  智取、以才智勝出


11.  Cutting edge  =  尖端的 (科技)、最先進的


12.  Franchise  [n.]  =  電影系列、聯營經銷權



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  I have to say Rob, you’re looking very smart and sophisticated in your __________ jacket and __________ tie.


2.  Captivated, so he was __________ on reading about him, especially as he wasn't __________ to watch any films – or movies.


3.  He said the __________ – the __________ – was unsurpassed; it couldn't be any better!


4.  And as this is the first book to be set in the 21st Century there are some very up-to-__________ ones, including an __________ to help eavesdrop on people.


5.  So he means he’s trying to think __________ what the __________ are thinking ?



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  Who originally wrote the James Bond books ?


2.  What is mentioned as one of the best things about the Bond stories ?


3.  When was the first Bond book, Casino Royale, first published ?



(四)  討論題


Are you a fan of James Bond movies ?

Have you seen all of them ?


I'm not a big fan of action movies, so I haven't seen all of the Bond movies.

But I understand why people like them.

Hot men, sexy women, fast cars and lots of money...what's not to like ??




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