大家好!這篇短文是在探討每個人不同的性格。有些人很內向,有些人卻很奔放。不管怎麼樣,我們每個人都是獨特的,千萬不要因為自己的某種個性而感到自卑。男人和女人到底誰比較感性?誰比較理性呢? 這當然沒有一個正確答案。但是可以確定的是,沒有一個人的個性是完美的,最重要的是,我們要認識自己並接受他人,這樣才可以讓這個世界越來越美好,你們說是不是啊?





What's your personality?

Here's what people in London said:


Some people are always thinking of new ways of doing things. How true is that

for you?


"Fairly true. Yeah, I like to think of new ways of doing things. I like to use open-sourcesoftware on my computer. I don’t like to stick to the sort of things which automatically come on a computer."


Do you think you're very conscientious?


"Yeah, I would say so. Certain aspects of my social life I do at the last minute, like I’m always late and stuff. But when it comes to like work I tend to be quite organized, 'cause it’s quite important."


Would you say you’re easily upset or sensitive


"Not really, no. I don’t really get upset very easily. I never cry when people die, and I always feel guilty 'cause I feel like I should be feeling more but I don’t."


Would you say you’re easily upset or sensitive? 


"Yes I would, definitely, very sensitive. To me it’s very important to be nice to other

people, to be polite, and so I do tend to take it personally, which is not always a good thing."


Let’s dig in!



The first respondent said that he likes things that are not standardized, but tailor made.


The second respondent gives comments on her lifestyle. When it comes to work related stuff, she would take it more seriously than personal things.


Then, the topic goes on and talks about people’s emotion control. The guy said that he doesn’t really show his feeling in front of the crowd and feels bad about it because people would think that he is cold blooded.


On the other side, the girl reacts totally different as she is more emotional. She tends to show more empathy towards others and put herself in other people’s shoes.


Word bank


1.  Open-source 開放性的

“I like open-source method because I don’t like to feel restrained.”



2.  Stick to something 按照某種方式

“It is very important to stick to your dream no matter what other people say.”



3.  Conscientious 有規矩的

“We should all be conscientious to make a better world.”



4.  Do at the last minute 臨時抱佛腳

“When I was in school, I tend to do my homework at the last minute.”



5.  Sensitive 多愁善感

“Women are usually more sensitive than men.”



6.  Take it personally 把它當做自己的事情一樣

“When you take it personally, you would know how they feel.”



Tell me about it…


What’s your personality? 你是什麼個性的人呢?


Do you think you’re very consicenties? 你覺得你是個中規中矩的人嗎?


Would you say you’re easily upset or sensitive? 你覺得你是很容易多愁善感的人嗎?


Click on the link and make a response on “what’s your personality”





“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee



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