說到英國的繼承人,要是女王死了,第一順位的是誰,大家知道嗎 ??


1.  The Prince of Wales ( Prince Charles )

     Eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II.


2.  The Duke of Cambridge ( Prince William )    

     Elder son of The Prince of Wales.


3.  Prince Harry of Wales 

    Younger son of The Prince of Wales.



Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。 


(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Succession is the act of taking over the position of King or Queen – and there are certain rules about who can succeed.


2.  If the current ruling monarch dies or abdicates, their oldest son or daughter could be their successor.


3.  So men were always preferred over women in succession simply because of their gender.


4.  Yes, it was to a controversial law that banned future monarchs from marrying Catholics.


5.  And putting the changes in place – or implementing them - will overturn 300 years of tradition, custom and law.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What is needed to make changes to the British monarchy ? 


They needed approval, or agreement, from the 16 countries where the Queen is head of state.


2.  How is the order of succession decided now ?


Well approval was given and the order of succession to the throne is now simply down to the order of birth.


3.  How long has Queen Elizabeth the Second been the current monarch ?


Queen Elizabeth the Second has been on the throne ever since – that's almost 60 years.





學習沒捷徑,就是要複習再複習 !!





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