


今天來討論另一種常出現在科幻電影及小說的主角 --- 機器人。



粉絲們喜歡這類型的主題嗎 ??



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(一)  重點單字


1.  Exhibition  [n.]  =  展覽、展示會


2.  Cutting-edge  [adj.]  =  尖端、最前線


3.  Laboratory  [n.]  =  實驗室、研究室


4.  Mimic  [v.]  =  模仿、學...的樣子


5.  Robotics  [n.]  =  機器人學


6.  Domestic chores  =  家事


7.  Artifical intelligence  =  人工智慧


8.  Replica  [n.]  =  複製品


9.  Creepy  [n.]  =  令人毛骨悚然的、不寒而慄的


10.  Science fiction  =  科幻小說、科幻片



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Robots are amazing __________ that can really help do a lot of the __________ work that we used to do as __________.


2.  It __________ the most cutting-edge robot __________ in the world, and it features 20 robots from laboratories across __________.


3.  But __________ that, having robots helping us around the home to do domestic chores, like the __________ or __________, is still a long way off.


4.  This means robots are not only getting smaller and __________ they have the intelligence to be __________, to __________ and to learn things.


5.  The playwright, Karel Capek, borrowed the word robot from the __________ wordrobota, meaning a __________ labourer.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What do robots do in car factories ??


2.  What domestic chore does Rob want a robot to do for him ??


3.  What makes robots creepy ??



(四)  討論題


What domestic chore would you like a robot to help you with ??


I hate doing the dishes.

The oily pots and pans are a pain.

If only I had a robot to do the dishes for me.........


What chore do you dislike doing ?




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