大家也記得要包的暖暖的做練習喔 !!
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(二) 聽力填空題
1. Today, we’re talking about seed banks – a place where the seeds from all kinds of plants are carefully stored.
2. Well, land where lots of plant species used to grow is being cleared for farming - to grow crops and to raise animals.
3. So it's essential or absolutely necessary – for the bank to store the seeds of plants which are 'most threatened' – or at the greatest risk or danger of becoming extinct.
4. So David Shukman definitely needed to wear 'cold weather equipment' to protect him from the extreme cold.
5. In fact, the flower is so rare that people thought it only existed in sacred Buddhist writings.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. What percentage of the world's plants might disappear altogether ?
Unfortunately, researchers are warning that about one fifth of the world's plants are at risk of becoming extinct.
2. Which seeds are considered as " useful " ?
For example, the seeds of food plants or plants that can be used to develop new medicines.
3. How many seeds have been stored so far ?
And this is where all those seeds end up - 1.8 billion of them in one of these cold stores kept at minus 20.
這次新聞裡提到的,三千年才開一次的花叫「優曇婆羅花」 ,沒聽到的話就看著稿子再聽一次吧 !!
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