成功的定義其實有很多種,有些人會覺得,在工作上的成就,基本上就是衡量你成功與否的標準。有些人認為,成功並不完全僅僅局限於工作方面,家庭上的成就、親情上的成就、友情上的成就和愛情上的成就,這些種種都可以視為成功的因素之一。現在的社會有個現象,很多人會覺得只要你有錢有勢,就會有一種自認為成就不凡的姿態出現,甚至會讓身邊的人覺得你自視甚高、看不起別人。通常這樣的人,你會發現,他身邊圍繞的,大多數不是至親好友,很多都是滿足他自己虛榮心的酒肉朋友。深陷在這種狀況的人並不自知,因為已經沉溺於“被捧” 的感覺中而渾然忘我,漸漸地,真正關心自己的親人知己也會逐漸的遠離自己的生活圈,這樣的人,你覺得算是成功嗎? 我並不認為,成功除了表現在工作上之外,有很大的一部分,是包含家庭、親情、友情、愛情的經營,每一個領域就像是一間子公司,事業只是每個人生命中經營的其中一間分公司而已。除此之外,成功的人除了能夠快樂經營自己的人生之外,也能夠適時的正面地影響別人,這才是最重要的。
Do you think you are a successful person?
Here's what people in London said:
It depends on what it is – I mean successful in my career? I’m almost successful.
I’ve been a college professor and I’ve taught things. I’ve worked in the media. I’ve been able to explain things to people make things a little clearer so I think I’ve contributed something and I’ve been able to pay my bills.
Basically, because I’m doing what I want to do and that’s success to me.
Provided I’m happy, that’s success enough for me.
Now tell us:
Do you think you are a successful person and why?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/llCZe9
Let’s dig in!
In the interview, the first thing that comes across people’s mind when talking about success is usually their career success. The reason is that when you are working hard in your career, there is a higher opportunity that you will have more influence to people outside of your comfort zone. On the other hand, some people think that as long as they are doing what they want to do or they are happy with what they do, that is success to them. It is also considered one way of success if you could be happy about your life. The happiness you feel could create a positive atmosphere and affect people around you. The happier you are, the happier your friends/familiesare. When the level of happiness is sustainable, it will then carry onto our career performance or even people outside of our circle.
Word bank
- Depend on 依照; 所指的是…
Whether or not a person is successful, it really depends on what standard you are referring to.
Depends這個字很常被使用到,當你被問到一個問題無法給出明確的答案時,中文我們通常會說“這不一定耶” 或是 “這要看是哪一種情況” ,英文的話,你就可以回答 “it depends”意思就是,答案有很多種可能,要依情況而定。
- Contribute貢獻
The best way to contribute to the society is to be a volunteer to some charity events.
- Provided… 當一句話用provided開頭的時候,就表示 “以…為前提的考量下”
Tell me about it…
Who do you think is the most successful person in the world?
How do you think successful people become successful?
What are some of the common traits in those successful people?
If you have a million dollar, what would you do to make yourself more successful?
What defines success to you?
Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. - Albert Einstein
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