看電影這檔事相信很多人都很喜歡,除了適合戀愛中的男女約會之外,也非常適合三五好友一起去觀賞一部好萊塢超級大片,過過癮。不過,電影院有些行為是很不適當的,比如說,吃臭豆腐或是味道太重的食物,另外,如果你帶了一堆零食,當別人想要專心靜靜地欣賞一部浪漫的愛情片時,你在吃零食發出的雜聲會讓整個氛圍瞬間瓦解,而且會影響到別人看片的情緒。簡單來說,就是破壞氣氛啦! 也就是因為如此,國外的電影院是不會讓你帶外食進入的,你要吃東西,就只能買電影院提供的hot dog或是popcorn,甚至連麥當勞都不能帶喔~ 因為紙袋會很吵。
今天這篇就要來告訴大家一些基本的etiquette (禮儀)
這個字,也可以用在電話禮儀 telephone etiquette,寫郵件禮儀 email etiquette,等等。
Rob: Today we're talking about something we must all have an opinion on – it's cinema etiquette. In other words, what is the right way to behave when you go to see a film at the cinema?
- Have an opinion on something 就是對某件事情有想法或是意見
- Etiquette英文的解釋就是the right way to behave
Neil: Yes, the cinema, the movies or the multiplex. How we behave there is different from how we behave when we’re watching a film at home – but some people seem to forget that, don't they Rob?
- 電影院我們很多人會覺得應該要稱為movie theater,其實,現在很少人在講movie theater了。因為現在的電影院都已經變成了影城。這樣說好了,movie theater比較像是影城裡面的一個廳,而現在的影城都叫做cinema或者是multiplex
When I go to see a film, all I want is a comfortable seat and to be able to see and hear the film. I don't want distractions!
- 當Rob去看電影的時候,All he wants… 他只想要好好地躺在一個舒服的椅子上、然後安靜的欣賞和聆聽喜歡的片子。
- Distraction也就是干擾的意思,是他最不想要的東西,It’s the least thing he wants in a movie theater。Distraction 當然可以包含很多東西,像是雜音、有情侶在一旁親熱、有人在旁邊討論劇情等。任何會讓你分心的東西都算是distraction。
Rob: And what's worse is people who turn the auditorium – the place where we all sit – into their own personal dining room!
- Auditorium就是一個禮堂,或是一個劇院的意思。Turn something into something 意思是把某個東西變成另外一個東西,在這裡的意思是,有些人會把電影院當成自己家一樣,一點也不尊重其他人。
Neil: Of course your munching popcorn is fine, isn't it Rob?! But to really appreciate the surround-sound and clear digital projection you need a well-behaved audience. Not like the audience that one radio presenter complained about on his show.
- Munching的意思是大口咀嚼。Neil的意思是,在電影院裡面吃popcorn是沒有問題的,因為所製造出來的噪音相對來說比較小。
- Well-behaved這個算是一個形容詞,用來形容一個人行為檢點,也可以用來形容小孩子很乖巧。如果你要稱讚你的小孩今天很乖,就可以說,He is well-behaved today。或者你可以問老師,Is he well-behaved today? 當小孩子在皮的時候,你要警告他們 “注意一下你們的行為喔~不要太超過囉” 英文很簡單,只要說, “Hey, behave yourself”
Rob: Well that's quite common – lots of people now use their phones while watching a film – we call it 'dual screening' – looking at two screens at the same time.
- 現在很多人在看電影的時候,會三不五時的把手機拿出來看看,甚至回訊息,這些其實都是不好的行為,英文叫做dual screening,Dual的意思是兩個同時,screening就是表示看螢幕這個動作,所以同時看手機螢幕和電影螢幕,就是dual screening
Rob: A 'new low' in cinema etiquette! It's bad manners and I wonder why she even bothered going to the cinema. I don't think mobile phones at the cinema are a good idea.
- New low表示這樣的行為是差勁到破紀錄。Even bother這個片語可以用來形容,不需要花費力氣做某件事情,比如說,you don’t even bother wake up early tomorrow because it’s holiday! 你明天不需要特別早起啦,因為明天放假
Rob: Well said! Simon says don't take off your shoes – keep your odours – that's your smells – to yourself. He says you are not at home! Amongst their other big bugbears – or annoying things – are slurping drinks – that’s drinking noisily - arriving late, and talking during the film.
- keep something to yourself 意思是把某個東西留給你自己就好,不需要跟別人分享,在這邊是指,在電影院把鞋子脫掉這件事情,會讓別人聞到腳臭,所以Simon希望大家把腳臭這個東西,留給你自己聞就好,keep your odours/smells to youself。Bugbears是指惱人的東西,這裡指的是slurping drinks,也就是會發出聲響的飲料,像是冰沙快喝完的時候,都會在用力吸而發出的聲音。
Neil: Yes, that's a big no-no for me – I really don’t like that. It really breaks my concentration. And then there are parents who bring their noisy kids.
- Big no-no表示這是犯大忌的意思。這樣的用語比較不是那麼的正式,不過,可以用在日常生活對話中。如果你小孩不乖,你可以跟他說That’s a big no-no,就表示行為不應該。
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