

對我來說,我的英雄是我的父母。因為,自己為人父母之後,才知道,為了小孩健康快樂長大,其實,身為父母的就像是電影裡的鋼鐵人一樣,真的會用自己的生命去保護自己最在乎的人。父母必須要有鋼鐵般的外殼,溫暖的心,真的是不容易阿! 大家心目中的英雄又是誰呢?

文章網址: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/general/expressenglish/2011/11/111107_ee_heroes_page.shtml


Who's your hero and why?

Here's what people in London said:
I think maybe Antonia Fraser. She's an author and she writes really excellent biographies,so I guess she's a hero 'cos I look up to her.

I would say my mother because she's been through so much and she taught me that nothing’s impossible if you really believe that what you want and what you have to do to overcome all the difficulties.

What qualities do you think a hero should have?

Needs to be a good role model to, like, the youth. I think that’s the most important thing.

I think they shouldn't care what other people think. I think they should have their own views. I think that's the important thing of all heroes.


Let’s dig in!


The first person looks up to an author who writes excellent biographies. Authors could be very influential for sure since people trust the word they put in books, which could be last for decades or even centuries.

Another person has the same hero as me. She thinks that her mother is very brave and taught her well. She makes her believe that there is nothing impossible as long as you believe in yourself. Like I said, parents could be very powerful and influential to their kids in many ways. Therefore, it is important that every parent should be a role model to their kids.

Some people tend to think that heroes are very unique mentally. They should have their own thinking, act differently and think differently. That is what makes heroes so special.


Word bank

Biography 傳記
When people are looking for jobs, it is necessary to provide a brief biography with their resume.

Look up to someone 景仰…某人
I look up to my teacher who always cares about us like his family.

Has been through 度過了…
She has been through a tough time after she broke up with her boyfriend.


Role model 典範

It is important for a role model to have self-discipline and always behave well.


Tell me about it…

What do you think the most important quality is for a hero?

Who is your hero?

Why do you find him/her is your hero?

Do you think you are a hero to someone else?

Now tell us who your heroes are!






My heroes are and were my parents.I can't see having anyone else as my heroes.我的英雄一直以來都是我的父母。我沒有辦法想像任何其他人取代他們在我心目中的英雄地位。
              - Michael Jordan 麥可喬丹

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