

家,是每個人都有的地方。當你一出生,大部分的人都會有一個遮風避雨的地方,這個地方有愛你的爸媽及家人,有溫暖的房子。在家裡,你不需要有所遮掩,你可以放輕鬆,做自己。回到家,總是會有一種幸福的感覺,因為這個地方,讓你覺得很安全,也可以讓你暫時拋開煩惱憂愁。本人在國外求學多年,對於家,有一種深刻的體驗,當初在異鄉,其實,最想念的就是台灣的美食。而且還不是高級餐廳的美食喔! 而是我們獨有的夜市小吃。所以,我想,台灣對我來說,就是吃! 每次回來台灣就是立馬手刀衝刺飛奔夜市。這樣夜市的特有文化,後來在國外也漸漸有名了起來。其實在歐洲,也是有類似的文化,只不過,他們是在接近聖誕節的時候,會在教堂外,擺起聖誕市集,這種感覺也非常的溫暖,很有聖誕氣氛喔!






What does home mean to you?


Here's what people in London said:


It means home cooking… er… getting my clothes washed, warmth, comfort, all those sort of things.


Home is where my parents live.


What about you – are you living at home?


Not living at home. I’m living in a shared flat, I’m living with one of my mates from back home and I’m from France.


And when you hear the word home, what does the word home mean to you?


Harmony, being very relaxed. Just a peaceful place, it’s cool.



Let’s dig in!



For some people, home means that you can cook yourself and clean up your stuff, like laundry. It is also very comfortable and cozy because you can do whatever you want in this private space. You do not need to pay too much attention about the others and care about others opinion. You can simply be you.

Some people think that home is just a place where their parents live. In another words, it is also where they grow up. They may not live there, but they do have a feeling to it. That is also why when people are not having a good day, they just want to go home because it is where they could find comfort and leave everything behind them.

Some people share a home with other roommates. When you share this private space with others, it could be quite stressful and annoying overtime as you need to get used to others’ living habits. More arguments could happen as a result.



Word bank



.Shared flat 跟其他人一起同居的獨棟房子
When I was in college, I used to live with four other roommates in a shared flat.

.From back home 來自同一個故鄉
It is really great to see someone from back home in a foreign country.

.Harmony 和諧
It is very important to work with your colleagues in harmony because it will affect the team performance.

.Peaceful 和平的
The best and ultimate goal for the world is to be peaceful without wars.



Tell me about it…



What do you like the most about home?
When was the last time you go back home?
Where is your home town?
Have you ever got home sick?
Who do you live with at home?
How does home feel like to you?

Now tell us what you think!






Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country. - Margaret Thatcher

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