每個人在一生中,都會與到許多人,有些人,你會覺得跟他格格不入,有些人,第一次見面就有聊不完的話題,感覺就像是認識了幾十年,所以,這些跟我們很合的人,就會變成我們最好的朋友,無話不談,彼此之間幾乎沒有所謂的秘密。朋友分很多種,也有一種朋友是玩樂的朋友,講難聽一點就是酒肉朋友,只有在玩樂的場合才會想到他們,這些人就是friends for fun。而best friends不需要太多,只要一兩個知心的就夠了。我的best friend其實就是我自己的表姐,從小一起長大,玩在一起,風風雨雨我們都一起走過,需要訴說心事的時候,她永遠都耐心的傾聽,也會給你一切建議,也因為認識彼此很久了,所以很清楚對方的想法、身邊的人事物、遭遇到的問題,給的建議通常都是一針見血,一語道破。一生中能夠遇到那麼懂自己的人,真的非常難得,況且又是我的親戚,親上加親,真是太幸運了! 不知道各位最好的朋友是在哪裡認識的? 認識多久了呢? 你們熟到甚麼樣的程度呢?
Who's your best friend?
Here's what people in London told us:
Who’s your best friend?
I don’t have one.
You don’t have a best friend? Do you have a very good friend?
What qualities does he have?
He’s funny, he’s nice, and he's just a good friend, he’s always there if I need him.
Probably I have to say, all things considered, my girlfriend. Because I’d get in a lot of trouble if not!
She puts up with me!
My best friend is Raz. I went to school with him since when I was 11. And we went to the same university together and we lived in the same houses together. Whenever bad things happen we always laugh about it and help each other out.
Now tell us:
Who's your best friend?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/rai6G8
Let’s dig in!
From the interview, some people said that they do not have best friends, but good friends. One said that her good friend is funny, nice and always there for her. That is the common qualities that good friends should have. You need to get along well with each other at first before you go further and get to know each other more. One of the guys said that his best friend is his girlfriend because she puts up with him and prevents him from getting into trouble. The last person met her best friend in high school.They have done all the things together including going to the same university.When things happen, they help each other out for sure.
Best friends are very important especially when you are grown up and you need help away from home. Friends could be your life savers sometimes!
Word bank
- What qualities does he have? 這邊的quality比較像是在說,這個人有哪些“特質” 讓你覺得他可以成為你的好朋友呢?
- He’s always there 當你需要他的時候,他永遠都會在你身旁支持你
- Get in a lot of trouble 碰到許多的麻煩事
She got in a lot of trouble when she was in high school.
- Put up with me 忍受我的脾氣
My husband puts up with my bad temper and always be there for me whenever I need him.
Tell me about it…
Who is your best friend?
When did you guys meet each other?
How long have you know each other for?
Where is the place that you and your best friend like to hang out?
Why did you guys become best friends?
What qualities does he/she have?
My best friend is theone who brings out the best in me.
- Henry Ford
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