聽說,在前幾年,台灣的生育率竟然是全世界的倒數幾名,不知道是因為我自己有小孩了還是怎麼樣,最近出門,在路上覺得小孩子越來越多,似乎大家都有被生育率的名次嚇到,也有可能是因為前幾年,比如說民國一百年,大家都搶著結婚,再來就是101年,聽起來也是個好年頭,加上去年就是農曆的龍年,好像有因此刺激了一些生育率。生小孩是一回事,但是帶小孩還真是一門大學問阿~ 有時候,你也不知道他們到底在不爽甚麼,就莫名其妙的哭鬧起來 (不過大部分的時候還是有原因的啦),又或者在睡覺前就要給你鬧一下才肯睡。今天的主題就是要大家分享一下,到底小孩子有哪些地雷是大人要避免的呢? 就像蠟筆小新不愛吃青椒,大部分的小朋友也不愛吃青菜,我家小人是不愛穿衣服,每次出門要幫他著裝,他就開始給我哭天喊地,扭動身軀,真不知道到底是有多愛裸體。各位爸爸媽媽們,分享一下你家小朋友有哪些事情會讓他們不開心的吧!
What makes children unhappy?
Here's what children in London told us:
When people are rude to me.
What sort of things do they say?
Call me names.
Probably having to play boring sports like golf and athletics.
Science and but also I don’t like eating stuff that I don’t like, like most fruits and leeks.
Doing stuff like I don’t like, like, I don't really like watching TV.
My brother annoying me.
Now tell us:
What makes children unhappy?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/oHfrev
Let’s dig in!
In this interview, we are talking about things that make children unhappy. Some say that they do not like to eat fruits or vegetables. Some say that they do not like to watch TV or do adult sports such as golf. Some say that they get annoyed by their own brother or friends who call them nicknames. Well, there are many reasons that could make children unhappy. Most of the time, it is because they are not getting what they want or they are forced to accept things they are given to. When this happens, as a parent, you cannot just give whatever they wish for. Parents should be the boss and direct children toward the right direction. Sometimes, the things you decide may make them angry, but you know that it’s good for them. Every child has unhappy moment. It is common and normal. Therefore, you should not be influenced by their emotion and make decision based on that. It is very important to stay calm and think about what is best for your children and what you can do for them so that they understand you correctly.
Word bank
- Rude 沒禮貌; 粗俗的
It is rude to cut in line.
- Call me names 用一些綽號稱呼我
When I was in elementary school, my friends and I called each other names.
- Athletics 田徑
Whenever Olympics come, I always like to watch athletics.
- Leeks 韭蔥
Many children do not like to eat leeks because of it’s strong smile and flavor.
- Annoying 令人煩厭的
Mosquitoes are really annoying because their bites are itchy and they are hard to catch.
Tell me about it…
What is the most annoying thing that children hate to do?
How do you comfort unhappy children?
Where do you take your children to when they are unhappy?
Why do you think most children do not like to eat vegatables?
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
- Khalil Gibran
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