每個人的心目中,尤其是女生們,都有一個最喜歡或是印象最深刻的童話故事。英文叫做 Fairy Tale,而在Fairy Tale裡面,每個故事都會有最美好的結局,最後王子與公主都會突破難關,從此過著幸福快樂的日子。或者是英雄打倒壞人,最後重新奪回王位,再次統領王國。不管怎麼樣,Fairy Tale的最終意義就是讓大家明白,只要肯努力,盡心盡力,凡事用心,最後一定會有好的結局。還有,只要你用心,心中的夢想一定會成真。在童話故事裡,總是會出現仙女或是小精靈助你一臂之力,在現實生活中,仙女和小精靈有可能會是出現在你身邊的某個人,這個人就是你的貴人,或者,小精靈就存在你的心中,要由你自己去發掘他。
小編在昨天才去了FairyTale的王國,就是Disneyland! 在那邊,有許多迪士尼創造出的童話故事和角色。不知道為什麼,每次一進去Disney就會有快樂、正面、有希望的感覺,我想,這就是Walt Disney先生想要為這個世界創造的東西吧~各為想一想,你最愛的童話故事是哪一個? 他對你的影響和意義又是甚麼呢?
What's your favourite fairy tale?
Here's what people in London said:
How do you feel about fairy tales?
They’re magical, we love them.
I think that sometimes it's a bit patronising towards children to tell them about, you know, stories about how they should behave. And it’s very much... there are so many stereotypes.
I like them. I think they’re cool. I think it is nice to believe in and read fairy tales.
Did you have any favourite fairy tales or folk tales when you were younger?
Probably Jack and the Beanstalk.
I like the Princess and the Pea. I don’t know why. I just used to like that one quite a lot.
I used to like Billy Goats Gruff: "Who's that clip clip clopping over my bridge?"
Now tell us:
What's your favourite fairy tale?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/pL7Th2
Let’s dig in!
In this topic, most people think that fairy tales are quite positive. It does no hard to people, but nice story and good inspiration. Fairy tales tend to give people a sense of hope and encourages people to believe in themselves. If they do so, one day, their dreams will come true. In fairy tales, nothing is impossible because the main character is always lucky to have someone to help them out. In real world, although there is no mother fairy to rescue you from chaos, you should still be able to meet someone who could give you a hand. If not, you should be your own rescuer and have faith in yourself to overcome all that comes to you.
Word bank
- Patronising 對人說教
He is patronising toward his children about how to behave in school.
- Stereotypes 刻版印象; 偏見
The stereotype of being a good student is having ace on school results.
- Believe in 打從心裡相信
You can definitely get over the cancer. I believe in you.
- Folk tales 民間故事
There are many folk tales in Chinese culture, especially how the various festivals come from.
- Used to 以前曾經
I used to write many letters to friends and family until email was created.
Tell me about it…
Which fairy tale do you like the most?
Why do you like fairy takes? Why not?
When was the first time you heard about fairy tales?
Who used to tell you fairy tales when you were little?
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
– Walt Disney
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