講到要如何取悅小孩子,我想是很多父母一生的課題,從還是嬰兒的時期,到上大學,到成家立業,每一個階段都的需求都不同,長大之後,可能就不會像小時候那麼好滿足了,像我家的寶貝,其實只要讓他吃飽、睡飽、喝飽、玩飽,他就會非常的開心,而且,小孩子給你的反應是最直接的。他如果不開心,馬上就會讓你知道,哭聲馬上如雷貫耳。不過,如果他開心的話,笑容馬上會出現在臉上,那種開心又燦爛的笑容,真的是會讓人融化阿! 當然,除了這些物質上面的滿足,其實,小孩子最需要的就是父母的陪伴,有時候,對大人來說,陪小孩玩積木、為他講床邊故事、一起吃飯,這種看似簡單的事情,對小朋友來說,卻是他們最想要的東西,你不用給他吃山珍海味、也不用買很昂貴的禮物給他,你只要“陪他一起長大”,那就夠了。小朋友也會在心中記得,是誰會花時間陪他玩、教她看書喔~ 所以各位年輕爸媽們,一定要多花時間陪小孩說說話,玩玩遊戲,哪怕一天只花半個小時的時間,但是一定要堅持做到,讓小孩的童年記憶中有你的陪伴。
What makes children happy?
Here's what children in London told us:
My dog, Finlay and, mmm, I like it when we do DT in school – design technology.
Being with my friends and going on the trampoline.
Chocolate and sweets.
Playing games - board games.
I like playing football and cricket.
Playing with my toys.
Now tell us:
What makes children happy?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/nD2KSu
Let’s dig in!
Children in London seem to like different things than those in Taiwan. According to the interview, some children like to do project, such as design technology, in school. Some like to spend time with friends on trampoline, board games, playing football and cricket. Some think that chocolate and sweets are something that makes them happy. Some do not even need company and like to play along with their toys. However, if you have noticed, most children like to do things with others, no matter it is their friend or family. Basically, children need company. They are easily satisfied as long as you are willing to listen to them, play with them and share your life with them. However, many parents nowadays do not get that. There has been a trend that parenthood is overtaken by high-tech devices, such as iPad and smartphone. It is totally incorrect! Once you let children addicted to these stuff, you lose the time to interact with them and be part of their childhood.
Word bank
- Design technology 科技設計
這有點類似我們台灣小學或國中辦的 “科展”,在美國叫做science fair,就是讓學生們回家自行想辦法設計出一些新奇又創新的工具,這樣子的功課,通常都是 science或是physics課程中的一環。
- Trampoline 彈簧床
When I was a kid, I had a lot of fun jumping on a trampoline with my friends.
- Board games 紙上遊戲; 就像是大富翁,英文叫做Monopoly
Monopoly is a common board game that involves four people to play at the same time.
- Cricket 板球
Tell me about it…
What made you happiest in your own childhood?
Who was the person that spent time with you the most?
Where was your favorite place when you were a kid?
How did you spend your birthdays and holidays?
"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them."
- Richard L. Evans
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