講到購物,我想大家應該都不陌生才對。在台北市,如果你想要買個東西,真的非常的方便,百貨公司一堆,而且,交通又很方便。尤其在信義區,你如果想要在那邊混一整天,我想也很難逛得完所有的百貨。另外,台灣的百貨公司跟國外不一樣的地方,會依照不同的顧客需求,用樓層分類店鋪,讓身為買家的你很方便尋找你要找的東西。在國外就不太一樣了,國外大部分叫做Mall,每個品牌都會有自己的獨立店面,樓層不會太高,頂多就分美食區、高價和低價區。一層樓可能會有四五十家店面,而且也不會依照性質分類集中,感覺逛起來比較free,不過相對來說,要找東西也比較難,因此,很多時候都是慢慢逛,逛一逛,坐下來喝個東西,再繼續逛。因此,他們對於櫥窗的擺設就會非常得講究,這樣才能夠吸引一些潛在客戶上門光顧。台灣的百貨公司普遍來說比較偏向日系擺設,可能也有限於空間的考量,不是每個店家都會有店面,也因此,櫥窗擺設就變得不是那麼的重要囉~ 另外,當周年慶的時候,shopping真得是很恐怖的一件事情,因為人潮真的多到讓你覺得不可思議阿~
What's the best and worst thing aboutshopping where you live?
Here's what people in London said:
The worst thing is there’s lots of people,but the best thing is there’s loads of really cool shops!
Lots of original shops that you don’t get anywhere else. You get little boutiques and stuff with stuff that you wouldn’t find other places.
The best thing about shopping in London is probably the diversity. There’s just a lot of different things that you can get, which you probably can’t get unless you’rein other big cities.
The best thing would be choice. The worstthing - it’s busy… stressful.
What's the best and worst thing about shopping where you live?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/jaJISw
Let’s dig in!
In London,there are many original shops, such as handcraft store and also those newly invented brand shops. Like most other places, people find shopping frustrated mainly because there could be a lot of people. And, the situation could go worse when there is a big sale, such as boxing day or black Friday. Other than that, shopping could be a good stress releaser in many cases. What’s different from Taiwan is that there are so many more brands available in London.
Word bank
- Loads of 很多的意思,跟lots of一樣
There are loads of luxury brands in Breeze Center.
- Original shops 傳統商店或是指自創品牌的小店面
The original shops are opened by people with own ideas that create new brand.
- Boutiques 精品
If you want to shop for boutiques, you should go to Paris.
- Diversity 各式各樣
There is a diversity of people in Canada due to open immigration policy.
Tell me about it…
Which department store do you like to shop in the most?
Where do you usually go shopping for birthday gift?
When do you like to go shopping?
Why do you think shopping is fun?
How often do you go shopping with your friends?
The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her. - Marcelene Cox
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