粉絲們有去過有貓咪的餐廳的話請推薦給我喔 !!
1. 便所主題餐廳
2. 醫院餐廳
3. 女僕咖啡廳
你們有去過以上的餐廳嗎 ??
Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。
(二) 聽力填空題
1. The restaurant, Clink, is both a canteen – or dining hall – for prison staff and a four-star restaurant for the public.
2. A sentence is the word for a punishment given out by the courts for a crime.
3. So when she says that we’re in ‘gloomy economic times’, she means that the financial situation is not very good.
4. An exclusive restaurant is usually one that’s only for very rich people or for private members, for example.
5. The quality of the food has a very good reputation apparently, and a number of people from the food industry have now visited Clink to see if they want to hire ex-prisoners.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. Who are the people working in this restaurant ?
The food is prepared and served by the prisoners or inmates.
2. Where do the ingredients used in the restaurant come from ?
The prisoners receive training in cooking and hospitality, and cook meals using local ingredients and vegetables grown inside the jail.
3. Why does the prison's governer want to provide skills for employment ?
He argues that by providing skills for employment, you can lower the risk people committing crimes after they’re released from prison.
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