



希望大家這個 long weekend 也都能玩得開開心心的,有好玩的地方也可以介紹給其他的粉絲們參考喔。



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(一)  重點單字


1.  Deception  [n.]  =  欺騙、欺詐


2.  Structured  [adj.]  =  有構造的、有組織的


3.  Motivated  [adj.]  =  有動機的、有目的的


4. Lie detector / Polygraph  [n.]  =  測謊器


5.  Junk  [n.]  =  垃圾、廢話


6.  Junk science  =  偽科學


7.  Grounding  [n.]  =  底子、基礎


8.  White lie  =  善意的謊言


9.  Flattery  [n.]  =  諂媚、奉承



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Now Kate, here's an __________ question for you: do you consider yourself a good __________ ?


2.  Deception is something that is __________, __________ or __________.


3.  Can you tell me what __________ reactions the lie-detector machines __________ to detect?


4.  This means that it has no basis or __________ in __________ .


5.  That is a __________ or praise, which in some cases may be __________ or insincere.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  Why is Kate not a good liar ?


2.  According to Sharon Leal, what is one way to know when a person is lying ?.


3.  What physical changes are picked up by the polygraph when a person is lying ?



(四)  討論題


Have you told a white lie recently ?

I have.

My husband bought a shirt that I didn't really like, but I still nodded my head and said that it was quite nice.

That's what marriage is about, right ?


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