



你是否曾經想過,如果天下的每個人,都像小木偶一樣,一旦說謊,鼻子就會變長,那這個世界是不是就不會有那麼多的紛爭? 政治人物無法貪汙,小三市場也無法生存,人和人之間是不是就會多一點尊重呢?








How important is honesty to you?  



Here's what people in London said:


"I think it's really important, because when you'rehonest in little things, you're honest in big things."


"I think honesty is very important, because other people can rely on you when you're honest."


Do you think it's ever okay to be dishonest?


"I guess it’s not okay to be dishonest. It alwaysbackfires!"


 "Yeah of course - to prevent hurting other people, when the truth will actually hurt people more than the lie. So I think, a little white lie."


"There are times when you can be overly honest.


Sometimes some things don’t need to be said." 


"I think that being honest to the people that you care about is an important thing, to build the trust between you. But sometimes telling a white lie actually might be better. I would always try and take into consideration someone’s feelings."

Now tell us how important honesty is to you!


Let’s dig in!



Some people feel that a little white lie won’t hurt. However, sometimes, when we thought we are telling white lies to prevent hurting others, the other person really wants to hear is the truth. Our own assumption of not telling him/her the truth could be harmful to those who are involved. It is not our position to decide what they need to hear and what they should know. No matter how cruel the truth is, they have the right to know. If they are someone you really care about, you have the obligation to tell and let them know what is really going on.


Most people still think that lying to people is a horrible thing to do. However, it seems that lies are everywhere in our life, no matter where we go. Lying happens mostly because that people are desperate over fame, power and money, which make people ugly and disoriented. Lying could start fights, cause misunderstanding, increase hostility and lead to wars.


Between couples, lying is definitely not welcomed because the foundation of love is built by trust. Once trust is eaten up by lies, love will break into piece. As a result, break-up, divorce or even revenge happens in the end.


Word bank


Honest 誠實

It’s always very important to be honest to your loved ones.



Dishonest 不誠實

At work, being dishonest is definitely not acceptable.



Rely on 依賴

My wife relies on me to pay for all the bills.



Backfire 報應

The way you treat other people badly will backfire at you eventually.



Prevent 避免

In my life, I always prevent hurting other people.



White lie 善意的謊言

Sometimes, it’s ok to say some white lies when the truth is too hard to believe.



Take into consideration 考慮其中

I will take you into consideration because you are different from the others.




Tell me about it…


What is the worst lie you have ever said?


Who did you lie to in the past one year?


When was the first time you lied?


Why did you think you lied?


How did the lying happen at first?


Leave your comments here:





“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. 

If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.

If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. 

For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.” 

― Mother Teresa










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