

台灣真的是個美食之國,到哪裡都有美味的小吃。以前在國外的時候,最想念的就是台灣味的路邊攤。雖然平價但是卻比什麼山珍海味都好吃! 鹽酥雞、滷味、大腸麵線、豆花、雪花冰,這些在台灣看似平常的食物,在國外,可是要開個半小時以上才吃的到呢! 而且味道也不可能很道地。但是大家為了一飽思鄉的肚楠,還是不辭辛勞,一解嘴饞阿!


在那麼多美食的台灣,有甜有鹹有辣有酸、各式各樣的味道都有。現在更有許多創新的小吃,讓台灣的夜市變化多端,每次去都有新的東西被研發出來。這也就是為什麼夜市已經成為觀光團的必到景點啦! 在那麼多的食物中,你最喜歡的口味是什麼呢? 跟大家分享你最愛的台灣美食吧!




Sweet or savoury food?


Here's what people in London said:


Man 1: I think I prefer savoury, when I was younger I ate sweet things, and I think I prefer savoury things when I'm older. There's more varieties I think, more varieties in savoury things than sweet things. 


Man 2: Sweet food, I like sweet things, cakes and also fruits, like mangos

and pineapples.  


Woman 1: I prefer savoury food during the day, but from time to time I have a craving I think, because my body demands some sugar rush, but other than that it's savoury. 


Man 3: Sweet food, it's more fun! Brighter colours, more flavours!


Woman 4:  I definitely prefer sweet food. I do sometimes end up overdosing on sweet food and needing to have something savoury. But the majority of the time I like sweet food. 


Let’s dig in!




Most girls prefer sweet things so afternoon tea business is running very well in Taiwan. There are also varieties of savoury food in Taiwan, including food from many countries.


In the article, people tend to prefer savoury food than sweet things. Desserts are only good after a nice and delicious meal. Some people said they used to have sweet tooth when they are kids. Once they become grown-ups, they tend to give up on sweets.


No matter which kind of food, we should treasure all food we have and do not waste them.


Word bank




Savoury 鹹的

Main course is usually served with savoury food.



Varieties 各式各樣

There are varieties of food in Taiwan’s night markets.



Prefer 偏好

I prefer to have sweet things after savoury food.



From time to time 三不五時

From time to time, hanging out with our own best friends is a good way to release our stress from life.



Have a craving 突然想做某件事情

I have a craving for chocolate cake because I have not had cake for a while.



Sugar rush 突然想吃甜食的衝動

Girls have sugar rush more often than guys.



Overdosing 過度攝取

Overdosing on all kinds of things could result in side effects.



Tell me about it…


What kind of food do you prefer?


Where do you usually hang out with your friends for dinner?


Who do you usually dine out with?


Why do you like sweet or savoury food?


How often do you go to night markets?


Now tell us what you think!




“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien



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