上個禮拜五幫我們另一個專欄 "看CNN學英文" 寫了一篇讓我很生氣也很不平的新聞。




All human beings are born equal.




今天就來聽聽相關的消息吧 !

Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。 


(一)  重點單字


1.  Succession  [n.]  =  繼承、接替、繼任


2.  Monarch  [n.]  =  君主、最高統治者


3.  Abdicate  [v.]  =  退位、正式放棄權力或王位


4.  Outdated  [adj.]  =  過時的、舊式的


5.  Approval  [n.]  =  批准、認可、贊成、同意


6.  Dominance  [n.]  =  支配、統治、優勢


7.  Rule out  =  排除


8.  Historic  [adj.]  =  有歷史意義的、歷史上著名的


9.  Reform  [v.]  =  改革、革新、改良


10.  Implement  [v.]  =  實施、執行、履行



(二)  聽力填空題


1.  Succession is the act of taking over the position of __________ or __________ – and there are certain __________ about who can succeed.


2.  If the current __________ monarch __________ or abdicates, their __________ son or daughter could be their successor.


3.  So men were always __________ over women in succession simply because of their __________.


4.  Yes, it was to a controversial law that banned future monarchs from __________ __________.


5.  And putting the changes in place – or implementing them - will overturn 300 years of __________, __________ and __________.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  What is needed to make changes to the British monarchy ? 


2.  How is the order of succession decided now ?


3.  How long has Queen Elizabeth the Second been the current monarch ?



(四)  討論題


Do you think there is still a need for royal families ?

I don't.

Most members of the Royal Family are extremely wealthy, yet they have done nothing to really deserve that wealth.

Why should hardworking people pay taxes to support a bunch of people that don't really do anything but go on lavish holidays and walk around in expensive clothing ??



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