





Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。 



(一)  重點單字


1.  Look forward to ( s.t. )  =  期待


2.  Lean  [adj.]  =  精瘦的、無脂肪的


3.  Get hitched  =  结婚


4.  Miss ( s.o.'s ) chance  =  錯過機會


5.  Brush up  =  溫習、熟練、重新學習


6.  Be sick of ( s.t. )  =  對...厭惡、厭倦某些東西



(二)  聽力填空題


1.   Have you been __________ Neil, or are you just __________ a __________ with me.


2.   My wife and I are __________ a __________ child at the __________ of February.


3.   Do you have any __________ __________ dreams you still want to fulfil.


4.   I've got tickets for the __________ and the __________, so I'm very lucky.


5.   Well you're a lucky man because a lot of people __________ and a lot of people were __________ and you've got some __________ popular sports there as well.



(三)  聽力問答題


1.  How many times has England hosted the Olympics ?


2.  Who does Rob want to meet ?


3.  What Olympic events does Rob have tickets for ?



(四)  討論題


Do you usually watch the Olympic games on TV ??

What are your favorite events ??


I enjoy watching gymnastics.

I'm always amazed at how flexible those people are.


What about you ??






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** We are not in any way affiliated with BBC. **





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