在各個國家,每個人對於車子的需求都很不一樣。在台灣,尤其在台北,交通便利加上又被小黃包圍,而且,停車位又貴的嚇死人。因此,很多人乾脆捨棄車子,完全依賴大眾運輸工具。一方面省錢,一方面環保,另一方面也不用煩惱停車、修車、保養、油錢等等額外的開銷。另外,許多台灣人還是選擇使用機車,油錢便宜又方便。一直到這幾年,許多人甚至愛上騎腳踏車,連最近的U Bike微笑單車都上路了。在台灣,交通真的便利到不行。反觀國外,你沒有車子,等於沒有腳。因為,地大物博,想要去超市買個東西,走路都要半個小時,更是沒有垂手可得的7-11。加上冬天天寒地凍,沒車走在下雪的路上,或是在雪中等最後一般公車,真會讓人有莫名的淒涼感阿!我只能說,在台灣真幸福呀,各位!
What do you love and what do you hate about driving?
Here's what people in London said:
Presenter: What do you love about driving?
Man 1: Just the rev of the engine, just cruising around really.
Woman 1: That I can go wherever I want and not have to ask for a lift.
Presenter: And what do you hate about driving?
Woman 2: Traffic is a problem, parking is a problem, congestion charge…
Man 2: Just congestion and frustration because of the traffic.
Woman 3: Expense, petrol, maintaining the car.
Let’s dig in!
The men tend to focus on the feeling of driving a car while women tend to focus on the convenience and issues as a result of having a car. Overall, traffic is definitely the most annoyed factor of driving, no matter where you are. Secondly, it is the additional cost that includes petrol, maintenance, license fee, insurance, etc. In a metropolitan area, it is really not necessary to own a car because public transportation can basically take you everywhere. If you wish, you can even rent one!
Word bank
Rev of engine 引擎轉速
When you try to speed up, the rev of engine will make this powerful sound.
Cruising around 遊車河; 漫無目的晃來晃去
I love to cruise around by car at late night because there is no traffic.
Ask for a lift 請人載一程
After the party, I always have to ask for a lift as the public transportation is all unavailable.
Traffic 塞車; 交通
Sorry that I am late because of the traffic.
Congestion charge 針對容易塞車的區域,進行行車收費。
在倫敦市中心,如果要行駛入Congestion Zone,就必須要付費。倫敦政府以此方式,管制交通。Congestion charge的時間是週一到週五的早上七點到下午六點。週末及假日不收費。
For more info, please visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_congestion_charge
Frustration 惱人; 惱怒; 焦躁不安
Frustration comes with traffic.
Petrol 汽油
One of the biggest expenses to have a car is feeding it with petrol.
Tell me about it…
What make of car is your favorite?
Who do you like to go for a road trip with?
When was the last time you drove more than 5 hours straight?
Where do you usually go for car cruising?
How old were you when you got your driver’s license?
Why do you like to drive? Why not?
Now tell us what you think!
“Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.”
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