『減肥』是每個人一生的功課,除了吃少一點,要健康的減肥不外乎就是要動起來!運動的方式有很多種,像小編我從十幾年前在國外的時候,就已經開始健身。因為,去健身房對於外國人來說是很平常的事情,不像在台灣。一方面是因為大部分的健身房都太貴了,國外健身房的收費反而便宜。在台灣,很多人都比較習慣跟朋友約去打球,因為可以聯絡情感之外,有人一起運動的感覺也比較不會那麼無聊,還有一個很大的原因就是,大部分的場地都不需要收費,這樣的福利在國外就沒有囉!另外,我還有另外一個運動就是,每個禮拜週末都會去游泳一次,每次游60回,藉此訓練心肺。要keep yourself fit,真的要運動搭配健康的飲食習慣。要不然,很容易就復胖的~
在這邊在教大家健身的英文,就是work out。而keep fit也可以說成是keep in shape。
What do you do to keep fit?
Here's what people in London said:
I try to get down to a gym when I can. It makes you feel good, makes you feel confident, makes you feel fit…and it's fun!
I'll go to an exercise class when I realise I haven't done any exercise for a while. And I feel like I should go more. Soon I go for maybe three weeks, then I stop again.
I go mountain-climbing.
I do running.
Football and gym.
I like roller-blading.
I go jogging.
Let’s dig in!
Exercising is a must-do in people’s life. In this interview, the interviewees are responding what they do to keep themselves fit. That is, how do people keep in shape! The most convenient way to find a place to exercise is the gym because it has everything you need there to boost up your energy, including weight lifting equipments, cardiovascular classes and personal trainers.
In fact, the most difficult thing about exercising is to keep it consistent in a long run. It needs high discipline to keep your workout schedule in your life because you can be easily distracted by many factors around you. A dinner invitation, a delicious meal, a business occasion or a birthday party that is hard to turn down are all the things that could end your exercise routine. Therefore, in order to keep in shape, you have to stick to your workout schedule without any excuse and treat it as serious as your work.
Word bank
Keep fit 保持身材
The best way to keep fit is to work out and have a healthy diet.
Get down to somewhere 下定決心去某個地方
I decided to get down to Taichung for her wedding.
Mountain-climbing 攀岩
Mountain-climbing is a very hardcore exercise because it requires so much energy.
Roller-blading 直排輪
Roller-blade is invented by two brothers from Minnesota, Canada.
For more info, please visit: http://inventors.about.com/od/rstartinventions/a/Roller_Blades.htm
Jogging 跑步
I like to go jogging in a park because it is a great chance to leave everything behind you and just focus on your own breath.
Tell me about it…
What do you usually do to keep yourself fit?
When was the last time you went exercising?
Who do you usually exercise with?
Where do you like to go for a walk?
Why do you think exercise is so important to people?
How do you lower your weight?
Now tell us what you think!
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. – John F. Kennedy
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