If you could start a business what would itbe and why?
I'd start a bookshop that would be it likea used bookstore that would be my business.
Would you read a lot of books?
I would probably be spending more timereading than actually selling books but yeah.
If you could start any business what wouldit be and why?
I'd start a coaching academy for young kidsplaying football.
Are you a big fan of football?
Yes I am. I'd stay away from finance completely so I would try and do somethingthat's actually going to help people and sort of inspire dreams and something that people, something that young kidswould actually enjoy.
If you could start a business what would itbe and why?
Yea I would like to start like a dancecompany or something like that where it would give people fun and I likedancing and it's energetic andhealthy.
Maybe like after you start the company andthen you're doing well, kind of teaching dance and like doing like exams forpeople and stuff and then branch out and like make clothes.
Let’sdig in!
In sum, all the people who are interviewedwould like to start a business that is good for people or simply match theirinterests. One of them wants to open a second handed bookstore because that isher interest. The second and third person’s businesses are kind of similar asthey are both teaching people how to do something. The first guy wants to starta coaching academy for young kids playing football and help them inspiredreams. The second one wants to start up a dancing school. Both are verypositive thinking and the main purpose is to bring people back to live, sharethe job and make friends.
Used 二手的; 使用過的
If you want to buy some used stuff, you canvisit the flea market in downtown.
Stay away 遠離
Please stay away from me because I amreally not in the mood to talk right now.
Inspire dreams 啟發別人的夢想
People’s dreams need to be inspired as theymay gradually be forgotten overtime.
Energetic 精神奕奕的; 有活力的
Kids are always so energetic and never gettired.
Branch out 延伸出
Once you are successful in your business,you should think about something new to branch out and make it bigger.
Tell me about it…
What business would you like to start?
Where do you want to start your business?
Who will be your target customers?
Why do you want to start this kind ofbusiness?
When do you wish to start your ownbusiness?
How big do you wish your business willgrow?
Now tell us what you think!
The entrepreneur always searches forchange, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.
- Peter Drucker
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