感覺跨年好像是昨天才發生的事情,沒想到今年已經過了四分之一啦! 時間真的過得很快。大家在今年的開始有沒有許下新年新希望呢? Resolution的意思就是指決心或是決議,大家有沒有下定決心要做某些改變,比如說,戒菸戒酒,減肥十公斤之類的? 小編在今年的希望,就是把我的六塊肌練回來! 最近許多明星狂秀人魚線,不能讓他們專美於前,雖然說我那兩條人魚線自從三年前游走之後,就一去不回頭,套一句周杰倫的話,哥練的是毅力阿! 我一定要成功!
Do you make New Year's resolutions?
I do have some New Year's resolutionsusually, yeah. I commit to something, I tell my wife and sheholdsme to account. I gave up drinking after New Year's Eve last year and I stuck to it.
I often promise myself I am going to bereally good, usually about eating, but I am a complete disaster. I start off with the best will in the world and then… if I am happy I eat and if I amsad I eat so I am on a losing streak.
Actually I am a person who likes to doresolutions all the time I like to try to improve myself all the year round. Iam that kind of person who is very drivenso… I am trying to do the London Marathon this year so… once I make a decisionI try and do it.
I don't make New Year's resolutions becauseI break them as soon as New Year is here.
I haven't made one, I won't be making one,I've got nothing to give up!
Let’s dig in!
As many people’s resolutions, the first guywants to quit smoking and asks his wife to watch over him in case he breaks hispromise. The second woman is one of those promise breaker. She made the wish tolose weight, but she could not control herself. The third guy is a verydedicated person who always challenges himself and strives to push his ownlimit. The last two people tend to break resolutions easily or do not evenbother to have one at all. In sum, it seems that sticking to your ownresolutions is a tough job.
Word bank
Commit to 信守承諾; 對某件事情表現執著
I would like to commit to the company foranother 5 years.
Holds me to account 為我把關; 針對我說的話,加以背書並監督
Whenever I give any promise, I always askmy wife to hold me to account and avoid breaking them.
Stuck to 緊接著; 緊緊的跟著
He is stuck to the resolution of quittingsmoking since the beginning of this year.
Complete disaster 在這裡是指這個人很糟糕
She is a complete disaster because shealways breaks her promise.
Best will 最理想的願望
Many people make their best will onbirthday even though it may not come true.
On a losing streak 接連落敗的情況
He is on a losing streak because he is notin a good condition.
Driven 永遠充滿活力並奮發圖強
A self-driven person could influence othersand also lead a team to positive direction.
Tell me about it…
What are your New Year’s resolutions in2013?
Are you still stuck to the resolutions you made?
When do you think you can achieve theresolutions you made?
How do you commit to your resolutions?
Now tell us what you think!
Always bear in mind that your ownresolution to succeed is more important than any other.
- Abraham Lincoln
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