這次要討論的問題很簡單。當你傷心難過的時候,甚麼東西、甚麼人、或是做甚麼事情會讓你開心呢? 如果你現在問我這個問題,我的回答就是回家看到我兒子和老婆就是最開心幸福的事情了。不管工作再累,有再多的不順遂,只要看到家人安全、健康、快樂,everything else does not seem to matter that much。現在每天工作回到家,就是想抱抱兒子,跟他玩一玩,逗他笑。看他笑得很開心,內心就會有滿滿的溫暖和幸福感。很多人都會說婚姻是戀愛的墳墓,我個人並不這麼認為,結了婚之後,擁有的happiness和possibilities遠超過戀愛可以給的。安定感、成就感、那一種為了家人努力付出的動力,會讓你覺得一點一滴的努力都是值得的、快樂的、甘願的。當你有了這些感受後,戀愛的浪漫感覺當然相對的會淡化。
對我來說,I am happy to be married, proud to be a parent and satisfied to have a family.
When you are down, what makes you happy?
Here's what people in London said:
Maybe go out shopping.
Looking out the window if there's a nice view... something like that. Sunshine, flowers, sea.
Being stupid! Just thinking of funny scenarios and having a good laugh about it, yeah.
The sun, good weather, have a coffee with friends, go back to my wife for dinner.
Thinking of nice thoughts… my wife!
Let’s dig in!
Some people like to go shopping when they are down. The feeling of spending money and getting things for yourself is away to release the stress and make yourself feel better. However, some people choose to go out of the place where they feel down. Some like to enjoy sunshine, relax at a beach or just be close to nature. There is also someone who likes to spend time with friends and share their unhappiness with them. A good laugh over it will help these kind of people to get back on track. Some people like me would love to go back home and just have a dinner together with their family, wife or kids.
In sum, we all need support from those who love us. We also need some time to refresh ourselves by leaving our stressful routine life once in a while. That is why people need vacation from time to time so that we can have some time to leave everything behind us and just let our brain take a rest.
Word bank
。Being stupid 耍白癡
When you want to relax, just hang out with some good friends, be stupid and lay back.
。Scenario 腳本; 假設的情況
The typical wedding scenarios is just walking down the red carpet, exchange vows and rings and kiss each other in the end.
。Having a good laugh 好好的大笑一場
Whenever I am down, I would get some ice cream, watch some comedy on TV and have a good laugh all night long.
。Nice thoughts 腦子裡想美好的事物
When you have a child of your own, there are plenty of nice thoughts in you and your life will seem much more meaningful.
Tell me about it…
What is the happiest thing you have done in your life?
Who can make you happy now?
Where do you like to go when you are down?
Do you think you are happy now? Why or why not?
How do you usually make other people happy?
Now tell us what you think!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss
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