相信各位讀者都各自過著自己精彩的人生,人一生下來,就被賦予說長不長,說短不短,幾十年的生命光陰讓我們去決定要如何的生活,有些人也許渾渾噩噩就這樣過了一生,有些人追求自己的夢想並在人生的道路上做了許多事情,就像是那些讓人記得的偉人、發明家、慈善家、醫生、企業家等,有些人在死後,名字會一直被流傳,永遠不會被忘記,就像是Michael Jackson、Walt Disney、Richard McDonald,在台灣有鄧麗君、鳳飛飛、王永慶,這些名人在世的時候,都為這個世界帶來了許多貢獻,相信他們在自己的生命中,都知道要怎麼活出自我、活得精彩。雖然說是這麼說,不過,人生中,總是會起起伏伏,當我們在低潮的時候,應該要用甚麼樣的思緒去幫助我們度過難關,這又是一大學問。有些人會覺得,每個人都有權利選擇要快樂的過每一天,還是要讓負面的情緒影響自己,所以,要怎麼渡過人生就在我們一念之間。當然也要把握當下,及時行樂,凡事放輕鬆,對別人寬容,自然別人就會對你寬容,不是嗎?
What lessons for life can you give?
Here's what people in London said:
"Live life as you mean to go on and live every day as if it's your last one, tomorrow not always comes."
"Yeah, live life as best you can and enjoy yourself."
"Treat everyone as you'd like to be treated yourself."
"Never take things too seriously; it's just the only thing I've ever learnt otherwise you just go downhill all the way for the rest of your life."
"Do it now, 'cos you never know when you’ll have another chance."
Now tell us:
What lessons for life can you give?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/n8dyqN
Let’s dig in!
When talking about how to live life, the most important thing is to seize the day and do things now before it is too late. Many people nowadays are too hesitant and conservative because they are afraid of failure. In the end, many people give up their dream and tend to choose the safer way to live the rest of their life. So, some people say that you should take risk at least once in your life or else it is like you have never lived. In the interview, the interviewees also point out that life is too short so we should all live today as our last day. If we keep this mindset, we will live our life with much bigger dream and wilder adventure.
Word bank
- To go on 繼續向前進
Life goes on no matter how you choose to live your own.
- As best you can 盡你所能
You must work as best you can or you may be laid off one day.
- Treat 對待
I treat my cousin as my closest family member.
- Never take things too seriously 不要太嚴肅的看待事情
If you want to be close to people, you should never take things too seriously.
- Go downhill 走下玻
When you find yourself going downhill, you should stay positive and think of how to get back up.
Tell me about it…
What is the most challenging thing you have faced in your life?
How do you overcome the downhill of your life?
Who do you like to talk to when you are down?
How do you live your life now?
A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. - George Bernard Shaw