我想各位應該都對旅遊有很大的興趣吧? 想一想,如果你不用考慮到旅費的話,你最理想中的一段旅程會是甚麼樣子呢? 是在一個無人島上訂一間六星級酒店,然後就在酒店沙灘躺一整個禮拜? 還是,你想要去一個非常有文化歷史的地方,比如說,歐洲國家,在探索中,順便學習到一些其他國家的歷史? 又或者,你是想去一個購物天堂,盡情的揮灑,給他好好的敗家一下呢? 還有另外一種旅程,那就是美食之旅啦! 不過,美食在台灣基本上應該就可以滿足各位囉!
另外,旅遊又有分跟團和自由行,小編本人當然是喜歡自由行囉~ 雖然,花費會比較高,事前的準備工作也比較辛苦,不過,你可以自由的規劃行程,時間也可以自己掌控,不需被團體限制。當然,前提就是,你語言至少要能夠溝通。我自己會理想的旅程,就是當時從加拿大溫哥華,自己開車往南玩遍美國西岸,去了Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego,前前後後花了我兩個禮拜的時間喔~不過,真的可以玩得很深入,所有的國家公園都去過了,如果大家有機會的話,一定要在美國roadtrip一次~ 一定讓你玩上癮!
What would be your ideal trip?
Here's what people in London said:
My ideal trip is to a place I haven't visited before. Somewhere that I don't know much about, erm, it's got to have a bit of a mix between a beach and a relaxing atmosphere, as well as a bit of cultural, touristic taste to it. Somewhere where I can get a little bit of,of, of knowledge about another place I haven't been basically and enjoy the luxury of nothing to do and sitting down on the beach.
My ideal trip was actually to go back to Armenia and it was ideal because I'm Armenian but I was born in Egypt and for around thirty years I just heard about Armenia in the school so once there was a trip to go and see the original country so I went and the moment I went in and arrived there I felt I was at home and that was my ideal trip.
Now tell us what you think!
Let’s dig in!
In the interview, people have different opinions about ideal trip. Some think that it is good to just take a rest on a beach and enjoy some sunshine. It is also nice to think of nothing else and only worry about working on your tan. I think that is the kind of trip that most western people like to have when they go on a vacation.
On the other hand, some would like to go to places where they could explore the touristic and cultural taste of the country. From there, they could learn something from it and take pictures with world known buildings or tourist sites.
Word bank
- Atmosphere 氣氛; 氛圍
The atmosphere of this restaurant is very cozy and relaxing.
- Touristic taste 值得一看的觀光特點
Paris is a city where you can have touristic taste everywhere you go.
- Luxury 奢華
It is a luxury to live in a sea view house with a swimming pool.
- Heard about 聽說
I heard about how great it is to have a vacation in Bali Island, but I have never got a chance to go there.
Tell me about it…
Which country would you like to go to?
When was the last time you travelled overseas?
Where did you go?
What makes a trip ideal?
How do you usually plan your vacation?
It is better to travel well than to arrive. - Buddha