各位朋友,有些人也許現在還在念大學,有些可能已經出社會很多年,不過,我想大家應該都對於你們剛上大學的時候,那種緊張又興奮的感受很難以忘懷吧? 就我來說,當初在國外求學,我比較特別的是,大學頭一年的學分是在學院,也就是college裡面修完的,修完大學一年級的30個學分之後,再申請進入正式的大學直接就讀二年級,也就是因為晚了一年進去,所以,也比較難交到朋友,大部分的人都已經在一年級就認識了自己小圈圈裡的朋友們。但是,在國外,不管你第一年還是第二年才進入學校,都會有所謂的新生訓練 Freshman Orientation。學生會主導整個event,而且會想出各式各樣的團康遊戲讓大家可以認識彼此。蠻好玩又新鮮的喔! 由於我沒有住校,所以,第一個禮拜除了新訓之外,另外一個值得一提的就是,Club Day 社團日,這一天,所有社團都會擺攤出來拉學生加入他們,當初加入了一個叫做New Taiwanese Generation的社團,因此而認識了許多當地的台灣人,也因此交到了許多朋友呢!
What was your first week at university like?
Here's what people in London said:
"First week at university was really exciting and there's so much to look forward to and so…there's a new life ahead of you and you're looking at future plans and what am I going to be doing five years from now. But generally speaking, one word to sum it up is really, really excited about university life."
"It was so exciting to have new experiences with new friends, feeling independent and free."
"Basically I made lots of friends which helped me live sociably in London and at this university. For me it was a really great experience."
"It was exciting and I was a little bit scared as well because it was completely different for me. And I tried to get new friends and new people and I managed within a short time to get acquainted with a number of people."
Now tell us:
What was your first week at university like?
Join the online conversation at http://bbc.in/rmRpUq
Let’s dig in!
In the interview, most people have very positive feedback about their first week in university. They also think that making friends is a big part of it. Throughout the university life (five years in Britain),the more people you know, the better connection you make. They may help you at your work in the future or your life. Also, they think it is very exciting to become a part of university because you know that in the following five years,you will be doing something really meaningful to your life. What happens in the university will also have a great impact to you as well.
Word bank
- Looking forward to 嚮往; 期待某件事情
I have not seen you for so long. Looking forward to meet you this coming weekend!
- Ahead of 在…前面
We have a very busy month ahead of us so we need to prepare ourselves for it.
- Generally speaking 總體來說
Generally speaking, the show was not bad.
- Get acquainted with 熟識; 跟…變熟
It is quite important to get acquainted with your colleagues so you could get support at your job when needed.
Tell me about it…
How did you feel about your first week at university?
Who was the person you got acquainted?
Where did you meet you first buddy in the university?
When is the best time to meet new friends in the university?
What is the most important thing to do in the first year of university?
A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. - Theodore Roosevelt
一個完全沒有上過學的人可能會偷一台貨車; 但是如果他有接受過大學教育,他可能就會偷整條鐵路。
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