大家是勇於表達自己不滿的人嗎 ?
我是 !!
你覺得他們愛不愛抱怨呢 ??
Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。
(一) 重點單字
1. Make a fuss = 大驚小怪、小題大作
2. Make a scene = 當眾大吵大鬧
3. Annoy [v.] = 惹惱某人、使某人不開心
4. Irritate [v.] = 使某人發怒、使某人煩躁
5. Formal complaint = 正式的抱怨 ( 通常以信件呈現 )
6. Rile up = 發怒、生氣
7. Grasp the nettle = 勇敢地處理棘手問題、迎著困難上
(二) 聽力填空題
1. Ugh, this coffee is __________ ! That __________ over the road serves the worst coffee !
2. But first, this week's question for you Alice, is: According to the __________ __________ __________, what was the cause of most airline complaints in the US in 2010?
3. A formal complaint is a __________ __________ of your complaint.
4. A television __________ called 'That's Life!' was regularly __________ in the UK from the early 1970s right up to the 1990s.
5. So here's the programme's __________, Esther Rantzen, who says that being able to complain is a fundamental __________ right.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. What two ways are mentioned in the text as mondern ways to complain ?
2. What benefits did the show 'That's Life!' bring ?
3. What event in 2010 caused a lot of cancelled flights ?
(四) 討論題
Have you complained recently ?
Tell us what happened.
Did the service improve after you complained ?
Do you regret complaining ?
I haven't complained recently.
Maybe it's because I'm getting older and just can't bother arguing with another person
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