是窮苦的老百姓在對抗企業貪婪以及經濟不公啊 !!
你們覺得有我們國家有這樣的狀況嗎 ??
Click here for the news. / 點這聽新聞。
(一) 重點單字
1. Social mobility = 社會流動
2. Strategy [n.] = 策略、計謀、對策
3. Social hierarchy = 社會階層
4. Material wealth = 物質財富
5. Opportunity [n.] = 機會、良機
6. Correlation [n.] = 相互關系、關連
7. Crucial transition = 關鍵的轉捩點、重要的轉變
8. Consequence [n.] = 結果、後果
9. Seize [v.] = 抓住(時機等)、把握(機會)
10. Responsibility [n.] = 職責、義務
(二) 聽力填空題
1. Now, today I wanted to ask you, according to government __________ what percentage of the UK population has
attended an __________ or private school?
2. Social mobility describes the extent an individual's __________ can change in terms of their __________ in a social __________.
3. Yes, but it particularly __________ to give more opportunities to poorer people from the lower class, some of which live in __________ .
4. The __________ vision for this strategy is to create a __________ society.
5. She thinks it's not the __________'s __________ to improve social mobility.
(三) 聽力問答題
1. How do we define a person's social class ?
2. What three crucial transitions are mentioned in the clip ?
3. How can parents help to improve their chidren's chances ?
(四) 討論題
Do you think the rich get richer and the poor get poorer ?
I think so.
And, our government is not doing anything to remedy the situation.
In fact, I haven't seen any changes that make life better for the poor.
I only hear of more rules and laws to make life more difficult for the common people.
What do you think ??
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