How does dancing make you feel?


相信大家都有跳舞的體驗吧? 在Star World Channel第45台每個禮拜都會播出英國跳舞選秀比賽,裡面每個選手都身懷絕技,節目精采絕倫! 沒看過的人,我在這裡分享一段參賽隊伍的決賽舞,他們厲害的地方是融合流行音樂和踢踏舞,保證讓你看了傻眼!

Youtube link:


最近很紅的騎馬舞Gangnam Style竟然奇蹟似的帶動全世界的風潮,整個紅到國外去了!






Have you ever had dance lessons?

Here's what people in London said:

"I did ballet and tap until I was about seven. I think I just did it cos all my friends did it. "


"No, but I wish I had."


"Yeah I've been dancing since the age of three. I used to do ballet, tap, modern, jazz, national, street. Yeah I’ve taken up salsa as well recently, which is quite fun."


When do you dance now?


"I do music videos; I do live shows with a couple of bands. So once or twice a month maybe."


- In the shower. (邊洗澡邊跳舞,想必這個人的浴室應該很大)

- Is that quite difficult?

- Sometimes yes!


And how does dancing make you feel?


Alive. When I'm dancing I don’t really think about anything else. It kind of is my own little world. When you're dancing it's just you in the moment.



Let’s dig in!

Have you ever had the experience to go to a ballet class in your childhood simply cos your mommy wants you to grow up dancing in a world stage? Most of the people nowadays dance cos it’s cool and appealing, especially in school. Those who can dance usually stand out of the crowd. Girls are attracted to guys who can show some moves.


Professional dancers love dancing cos they feel that they are in their own little world without having worried about anything else. When they dance, they are in the moment and always give in their full attention and focus.


What’s your personal interest that could make yourself in the moment? If you do have one already, you are definitely a lucky one! Keep with it.


Word bank


Cos 這是because的口語化講法


ballet 芭蕾舞

tap 踢踏舞

modern 現代舞

jazz 爵士舞

national 國標舞

street 街舞

salsa 騷莎舞


my own little world 有時候我們會說某些人活在自己的世界裡面,像之前新聞上很紅的張婷婷,我們就可以說 “She is living in her own little world.”


in the moment 當我們聽歌聽得很投入,唱歌唱的很投入的時候,就可以說 “I am in the moment of melody.”



Tell me about it…


How does dance make you feel? 跳舞會讓你有什麼感受?


What kind of dance do you master? 你最行的舞是什麼舞?


Now tell us, when do you dance? How does it make you feel?



“I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to to dance better than myself.” - Mikhail Baryshnikov



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